Miyuki Kazuya X Reader 2

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You groaned and slammed your head on your table, it was lunchtime, and being the amazing person you are, you left your food at your house, having to rush to school in the morning

"I can't believe I left that goddamn lunch box," You grumbled to yourself as you glared at your hands

"Boo!" somebody whispered in your ear, causing you to squeal in surprise and slap the person who did it

It was Miyuki

Your eyes widened but went back to their blank gaze as you saw him rubbing his cheek now had a red hand print on it

"Kyahahahahahaha" Kuramochi laughed when he saw Miyuki with a bright red slap mark

"Did you do this?" He asked as his attention turned to you

"Yes" you answered him blankly, making him grin at you

"Nice going, (Last name)!" he congratulated making you grin back

"Thanks!" you replied, giving him a high five

Now, Miyuki was never the one to get jealous, not like he was showing it anyway. But as he watched you get friendly with Kuramochi, he felt a sudden rage within his inside that just wants to pull you away from his closest friend

But before he could say anything, your stomach grumbled very loudly, causing the catcher and shortstop to look at you amusingly

He looked at you bemused, as Kuramochi laughed while you blushed and scowled at them, feeling your cheeks redden because of the whale sound your stomach

"Hungry, (First name)-chan?" Miyuki asked teasingly, making you glare at him

"Don't call me that," you grumbled but he just continued to grin at you, making you more annoyed than you already were

"Say-" he started, and from the tone of his voice, you felt like you didn't want to hear the content of it

"If I buy you lunch today, you'll agree to go out with me this weekend?" he grinned making your eyes widen

'Ah date? With him? Aw hell nah!'  You thought, thinking of the possible outcomes of this proposed date

"No thanks," you replied, "I can go on not eating my lun—" you didn't manage to finish your statement, because your stomach released a loud growl

"Fine" you muttered, regretting the idea even if it hadn't even started yet

"Eh? Really?" He looked up at you, surprised as you just sighed in annoyance

"Yes Stupid,  I said yes, now, can we eat?" You grumbled making him grin that oh so shit-eating grin of his

"Come on, then," he said, putting an arm around your shoulder as he walked

You scowled up at him as he winked at you, you gave him a smile and nudged his sides very hardly

"Don't do that" you growled as his eyes widened and nodded

This is one hell of a pair, Kuramochi thought to himself as he watched the two of you, Miyuki trying to flirt while you answered back with his flirting with snarky comments


So I should have probably said this from the start of the one-shots, but I'm planning on making this kind of one-shots (You know the parts one and two), for some of the Seido members

But if you guys want me to add more characters, please feel free to say them... write them, technically

That's everything that I have to say, I hope that you guys liked the one-shots so far

Bye, till the next update! 

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