Seidou Third Years X Reader 3

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Hello everyone! This is the last part for the Seidou Third Years X Senior! Readers, thank you so much to the person who requested this! I know you probably weren't expecting it to be 3 chapters 😅

Anyways, Christmas is coming up! And I was actually supposed to post something for it but maybe I'll do it next Monday, I still have to reread and edit it anyway
That's all for this a/n stay safe and happy holidays everyone!

Every first years eyes were wide as they stare at the scoreboard, still unable to process the fact that their strong and reliable seniors actually lost the game

What more is that they couldn't handle watching the sight of everybody they look up to crying and weeping at the thought of another failed attempt to join Koushien

Including you

They all watch as you cry along with the other third years, everybody could tell you were trying to stop them from falling but the tears continued to flow down your face like a waterfall

"Senpai, we'll handle this." Takako offers worriedly but you shake your head before wiping the tears away from your face

"Don't worry, I can still work." You smile at them reassuringly but still, your eyes were still glistening and it was obvious that you can break down at any moment but you tried to remain strong for them

"We should give this to the players, they played a long and hard game." You nod, voice slightly breaking as you carry the food to the players who all had their heads down, silently crying at the bleachers

"Hey cap, here's your lunch." You say before showing him the box full of their food

"Give it to the others first, they might need it." He says

"You need it too." You say softly before handing him his favorite, "You did your best, I hope you know that." You smile at him

"But it still wasn't enough for us to get into Koushien."

"Just because we didn't make it doesn't mean you should forget about all your hard work." You remind him, "And don't bother saying sorry." You add just as he opened his mouth, "There's nothing to be sorry about." You say before moving to the other players

Admittedly, you still feel down and you knew for yourself that the moment you get into your room, you would break down but you still had your responsibility so you first have to fulfill it

"Senpai, I-I'm sorry." Azuma cries but you shake your head

"Don't say sorry, everybody knows you tried your best." You try to lift his spirits up, but you know the loss was still fresh in his mind

You move along with the managers, icing the players' shoulder, giving them food or water

Once you enter the bus you look out the window and stare at the stadium, eyes filling up with tears once more at the thought that it was your last time entering that place as the head manager of the Seidou Baseball team

Before you knew it, you were crying again, the tears you were holding back earlier coming back and flowing down your eyes like a waterfall

"Se—" Isashiki was about to ask if you were alright but immediately stops once he sees you crying, he just decides to look down before walking to the back of the bus, his hands forming into a fist

The others followed, all unable to look up and see every senior they respect cry


"I guess this is the last time I'll be entering this place as a manager." You say softly as the other managers look at you with tears in their eyes

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