Kominato Ryousuke X Reader

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Hi hi~

This was requested by @Knooxx06 looking at the date this request was sent, it's been nine months, I'm so so sorry for the long wait 😔 hopefully this was worth the wait, and thank you so much for requesting! Your requests are very fun to write!

Also, the italicized ones are flashbacks from when they were in their first year

Anyways, that's all have fun reading and stay safe everyone💕💕

"Oi Kuramochi hand me that bag of chips will you!" You yell at your friend once you hear the door in his dorm room creak open

"You...how long have you been in here?" Kuramochi couldn't help but sigh as he looks at you already playing video games and beating his high scores, "Oi can't you do that at your own house?" He taps your head with the cold can of soda as he sits beside you and opens the bag of chips for the two of you

"You have more food than I do at home," You reason but Kuramochi just smirks at you, knowing full well the reason why you always decide to come over to the dorms as much as you can

"Sure it wasn't because of Ryo-san?" You could feel him smirking beside you while you choke on the chips, immediately turning to look at the door and sighing in relief when you saw no one heard what Kuramochi said

Beside you, Kuramochi was already laughing on the floor "Yo-your face looked so priceless hyahaha," You scowled at him, turning back on your video game and killing his character without wasting any time

"Oi, I just started playing!" He whines upon seeing the 'Game over' on the television screen

"That's your fault," You stick out your tongue while Kuramochi rolls his eyes, once again focusing his attention on the game

"Be ready to lose (First name)!"

"In your dreams asshole!"


You lost count of how many hours have passed since you and Kuramochi started playing, Sawamura and Masuko already went in and out of the room for dozen times but leaves once again because of the noise you and Kuramochi were making while the two of you play

"Kuramochi," Both of you hear Ryousuke's voice from the door, "Ah (First name) I didn't know you were here." He comments as soon as he sees your form beside Kuramochi

Instantly, you bow and avert your eyes, hoping to the gods above that he didn't notice how your face became beet red just from seeing him

"Ryou-san do you need anything?" Kuramochi glances at you sideways to see your reaction, he had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing upon seeing how flustered you got

"There's somebody looking for you," Ryousuke shrugs

"Ah, that must be (Boy's name)." Kuramochi stands from his spot as he glances at you and back at Ryousuke, "Ryou-san, while I'm gone can you keep (First name) company?" Kuramochi asks innocently and you swear, you can see him grin, it reminds you of Miyuki's teasing one and it did not make you feel better

While you thought of million ways of getting back to Kuramochi, Ryousuke hums in agreement and walks toward you and proceeds to sit down beside you

Your body stiffens once you feel Ryousuke's presence beside you. Turning to him you open your mouth to greet him yet nothing came out so instead, you bowed and turn your attention back to the television screen in front of you

But you couldn't focus on the game. Your mind was too preoccupied with the fact that Ryousuke was currently beside you. Ryousuke who is Kuramochi's partner. Ryousuke who you've been crushing on since your first year

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