Yuki Tetsuya X Reader

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You smile as you stare at yourself in the mirror, your hair tied in a neat bun while your white long sleeveless gown hugged your body perfectly

"(Last name), it's about to start," your mother reminds you outside, as you just nod and walked outside the dressing room to the altar, greeting people along the way

'Are you ready?' Your conscience asks you and you just smiled to yourself

'It's now or never'

The altar doors opened and you walked towards the front, you saw Yuki in front, wearing a black suit with a white undershirt beneath, his tie neatly done

You've both grown, since highschool you've been friends, you fell for him, you've had your ups and down yet you two always help each other

You stopped in front and smiled at Yuki and turned to the side as his attention remains in front of the altar door

And there you both saw his future wife, the woman that chose you as her maid of honor because according to her, 'if it wasn't for you me and Tetsu would have never happened'

"(Girl's name), ever since I saw you I instantly fell for you, you made my heart skip faster you have supported me for years and made me a better man, I now ask you, will you please stay by my side forever?" Yuki asks (Girl's name), tears brimming at the corner of his eyes while he stared at her with immense  love in his eyes

'Are you ready to live a life with both of them together?' Your conscience asked you

'It's not like I have a choice'

"Tetsu, I've always dreamt of this happening, I promise to always stay by your side—"

'Maybe that should've been me '

"And love you forever, be it with white hair or wrinkles, I will forever love you"

'If I never acted like a coward and confessed '

It was now reception, you look around and saw that everybody was having fun, the baseball club was present and they were all laughing at one table, reminiscing times when all of you were younger

"(First name)" Yuki calls you and beside her, (girl's name) was smiling happily while she held onto his arm

"Oh, hey guys, how are you." You smile at them, trying to make it as real as possible to hide the pain, the pain that's been hurting you for years

"We just wanted to say, thank you for everything," Yuki says, placing a hand on your shoulder as (Girl's name)  smiles at you

"Yeah, it's no problem" you reply, your voice soft as both of them bids you goodbye and walk away together, hand in hand

But it's too late to turn back now


So, this was supposed to be angst but I'm not even sure if it was angsty or dramatic. I don't know why but I actually feel like writing angsty oneshots, it just suddenly gets me and the next thing I know I'm writing it.
But hopefully you guys liked this oneshot!

To you guys who keeps on actually reading and supporting my writing, thank you so much! You guys don't know how much it boosts my confidence in my writing

I think that's all...? Request are open, if any of you have any ideas for a oneshot please message me or comment it!

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