Kuramochi YouichiX Tomboy!Reader

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Hello people! This is another x Tomboy! Reader requested by @Rin-chan06.... I'm sorry if it's a bit long, I lost myself in writing the story.... but please enjoy the story!

Request are open... if you guys have any idea please comment it...maybe some description about the request?

"Oi! (Last name), hurry up will ya!" Kuramochi shouts, running towards the classroom

"Shut it! Kuramochi! You had a freaking head start!" You shout after him, panting as you did so

"Hyahahaha!" He laughs as you reached your classroom, causing you to glare at him, not accepting your defeat

"I swear on the heaven's above, I WILL BEAT YOU!" You exclaim, glaring at him

"Sure (last name)," he grins and managed to get you in a head lock

"He—hey let go! Asshat, people are staring!" You groan, trying to push him off, but to your avail, he was much stronger

"Heya, Kuramochi-kun~" a group of girls walks in, giggling as they waved at Kuramochi making your inside growl

'Pfft whatever, not like Kuramochi's into this kind of gi—"

"Hey, (girl's name)," he greets back, letting you go and fixing his hair, "how are you?" He asks cooly making you turn to him in dismay

After he and the girl were done talking you, he walked towards you and gave you a smile

"Let me guess..." You trail off, putting your hand up to cut him off, "you got her number?" You ask him while he just shrugs

"Yep," he replied shortly but then threw the paper into the trash bin

"And she want to go to prom with y—Hey why did you throw it?!" You exclaim, looking back at him and the trash can

"I'm not really interested in her," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, leaving you feeling relieved

'Thank god...that mean—"

"I'm into another girl," he mumbles the last part making your heart sink


"Oi, out of there!" You say, flicking his neck and making the shortstop growl at you in annoyance

"Don't do that!" He exclaims as he swallows his food, still sitting on your chair

"Ugh, don't you know that giving a chair to a girl is an act of gentlemanliness," You retort but he merely rolled his eyes at the statement

"What was that, (last name)? You're making it sound as if you're a lady~" he teases but you just stuck your tongue out at him, but you felt your heart sank

'Yeah, I am no lady...how can someone like him like me?' You asked yourself that night, "I don't have huge boobs like my classmate...heck, I only have an A cup, my fashion sense is just wear anything comfortable, I can never seat like a lady, I eat like a truck driver not to mention I don't wear makeup nor do I fix my hair," you huff and looked at your ceiling

"How the hell can that popular idiot have feelings for me?" You groan, using a pillow to hide your face

The next day, you were walking silently when somebody ruffled your hair,

"He-hey! What the heck? Let go!" You growl, struggling to see who the perpetrator is

"Hyahahaha, you should have seen your face! You looked stupider than normal!" He laughs but you just glared at him, straightening your untucked male uniform

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