Kataoka Tesshin X Reader

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Hi everyone!

So as you can see, the book's now on part 190, so only a few more till this oneshot book is finished!

Anyways, this was requested by FannyColette! Thank you for requesting, imagining Kataoka as a dad just makes me feel all mushy inside, so thank you so much for the cute request! I hope you enjoy!

Also, there's another a/n at the end

That's all, enjoy and stay safe!


"Huh, the coach isn't here?" Sawamura asks as he looks around as he tries to look for his glasses-wearing coach who was currently nowhere to be found 

"He's out right now," Rei answers as beside her Ochidai was stroking his beard while he looks around his players, everybody looks confused at how their coach who had never missed practice was suddenly gone 

"He wasn't at class earlier, wasn't he?" Haruichi turns to Kuramochi 

"He didn't go to your class either?" Kuramochi asks in surprise 

"He had to take a leave earlier," Rei answers the team

"Leave? Why?" Sawamura asks, curiosity etched on his face

Rei sighs, she knows that Kataoka probably wouldn't want anybody in the team to find out about it, so she was contemplating whether she should tell the others so they wouldn't badger her about it, or let Kataoka spend time with his family peacefully

"Well anyway, all of you should continue training." Rei cuts off the conversation of the players as she nods at Ochidai to proceed with their training for the day 


"Mama, are you okay?" Your oldest asks you as you open your eyes to see him trying to reach you along with your daughter who was on his side

"Yay! She's awake!" (Daughter's name) cheers, "We saw baby! He's cute!"

"(Daughter's name), shh." (Son's name) stops his little sister from making noise

Your daughter glares at his older brother, "I wanna talk to mama." She sulks as you try to sit up

"Mama's here." You say softly and smile at the two of them who immediately stop bickering upon hearing your voice

"Mama!" Your daughter tries to climb the bed but she still couldn't reach it with her short stubby legs

"Shorty," Your son teases him as he managed to sit by the foot of your bed

"Hmph," Your daughter pouts as his brother sighs and helps her up so she can sit beside him 

"You two, don't wake your mama up- Oh you're already up." Kataoka enters the room to see his children reaching over you to kiss your cheek and sit by your lap 

"Hi," You smile as he walks over to you and kisses your forehead

"Are you okay?" He asks you, one of his hands reaching behind you to rub your back

"Yeah, I'm good now." You nod at him, "Where did you go to?" You ask him as your daughter plays with your hands while your son watches you and Kataoka talk

"I went to school earlier, filed a leave for a week." He explains, "Then I went to the hospital register," 

"Leave?" Your son seems like he perked up at the sound of the word, "Papa, you don't have work?" He asks, almost excitedly as Kataoka smiles and pats his hair

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