Kominato Ryosuke X Reader 2

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"Kominato-kun." you sigh as you stop sweeping for a moment to sit on a nearby chair

"Alright," he said as he got his mop and started to mop the floor

Both of you were currently doing the chores you were assigned, of course it was tiring, considering the fact that you spent the whole day doing school work and helping out your teachers

"I can't believe she would act like this for a few minutes of tardiness," you mutter, huffing as you did so. But the older Kominato heard your complaints and let out a chuckle

"Hello, miss." he greets, causing your eyes to widen and look over the door post just to see that there was nobody

"So-hey she isn't there" you say, frowning as you turned your attention  back to him who was chuckling

"Sorry, your expression was priceless." he laughs as you just puffed out your cheeks at his antics

'What else should I expect?'  You asked yourself and continued to clean, knowing Ryosuke's personality very well after two years of being classmates

Within a couple of minutes,  both of you were already finished with work, you picked up your bag and was about to leave but he stops you

"(First name)," he called, making you stop short on your way out and turn your attention to him, your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity

"Yes, Kominato-kun?" You asked as he started shifting his weight from foot to foot, surprising you that someone like him would actually get nervous

"This Saturday, do you have anything planned?" He asked you making you blink at the question

'Did he need help with anything?' You thought as you continue to stare at the pink-haired boy infront of you

It amazed you how he and his brother, Haruichi, looked almost identical yet so different from each other

While he was confident and friendly, his brother was shyer and... pure, in a sense

"Do you want to go somewhere on Saturday?" He asked you as your eyes widen at the question

'So he was going for that.' You thought, your eyes still round as your heart continues to beat at an abnormally fast pace

"Sorry? Can you repeat that?"

"Will you go out with me this Saturday?" He asked you, now smiling as he looked at your flustered face

"Can...can I?" You asked him as he smiled

"That depends on you (first name)." he grins

"Well...well I would like to," you answer, making him smile at your adorable self

"Maybe...maybe you could watch practice too?" He asked, giving his luck a shot,  as you looked at him and blushed harder

"Well... well if you want too" you replied shyly as he held out his hands which you reluctantly took as both of you proceeded to  walk towards the field together, surprising the whole baseball team for seeing Kominato Ryosuke holding hands with a girl

So I finished aniki here so next up will be...wait for it

Drum roll please!

Our sidearm pitcher, Nori!

Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this oneshot and the request are open, so if you guys have any ideas for a oneshot, please request them!

See you guys next time! ✌️✌️

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