Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader 2

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This is a part 2 of the Shirakawa fic where the guys were messing in his room and they found out Shirakawa still has feelings for reader

This is also the fifth to the last oneshot hehe

I almost forgot, Enjoy reading and stay safe!


"Is this really a good idea?" Shirakawa asks Carlos, turning his eyes away from you just to ask Carlos the question

"Yes." Carlos comments, "Admit it, you're crazy for her." Carlos grins, "Why else would you keep all those letters you always claimed were sappy?" 

Shirakawa didn't have an answer to that, so he remains silent as his eyes found their way back to you once more. You were now talking to your friend and you were laughing 

He couldn't help but smile softly at the look of you smiling, it was the same just as the ones you always have whenever he wins a game, and it was always something that made him feel better

"Wow, what a stalker," Narumiya comments behind Shirakawa but Shirakawa just ignores Narumiya

"Hey, (First name)!" Narumiya yells out, making Shirakawa snap his head in Narumiya's direction, glaring at him. If it were any other person then it would have worked, but it was Narumiya 

"She's looking!" Narumiya urges him to look back, and without any other choice, Shirakawa follows to see you actually looking in their direction

He was about to wave at you (Just as what the devil called Narumiya was saying behind him) but your face hardens as you break eye contact and turn back to your friend, talking to her

He watches as you leave towards the building

"What are you doing?" Narumiya hisses, "Follow her!" He pushes Shirakawa forward who glares at him for a second but still follows you

"(First name)!" He grabs your shoulder once he got close enough, making you stop walking

"Can we talk?" He clears his throat as he watches you and your friend exchange looks

"Don't worry, you can go." You reassure your friend who nods but not before glaring at Shirakawa and moving away

"So, what do you need?" You cross your arms in front of your chest as you stare up at Shirakawa, your expression cold

"I-I'm sorry." He had a whole script ready, and the guys even helped him make it, but now he couldn't find the words to say, his tongue was tied, and his mind blank

"For?" You continue to ask, you sounded almost bored that Shirakawa can't help but flinch slightly

"Hurting you." He sighs as you stare at him

"What part?" You finally open your mouth


"What part are you actually sorry for? For hurting me during the relationship? Or after?" He could see your eyes suddenly starting to glisten

Shit. He didn't have an answer, he could say everything, but would you even be happy with that answer?

"I-I can't deal with this." You shake your head, already turning around and walking away

"Hey, wait." He calls out but you just ignore him

"Please?" He runs in front of you to see that some tears already fell down from your eyes 

"No." You say, it was quiet but stern, "I waited for so long for you to appreciate me. I'm not going to wait for you again." You push him aside as he watches you leave, already feeling his heart ache

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