Sawamura Eijun X Reader

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Hey guys

How are you? So I guess I'll start this note with a big thank you to Rin-chan06 not only for requesting but reading and supporting my book! Rin-chan06 thank you so much!

I'm sorry if it took a bit of a long time for me to write it but I hope you can still enjoy it, even if it was a bit long, 

Request are open! If you guys have any please comment or message me and add a bit of description on how you guys want it to go!

That's all! I'll let you guys read this oneshot in peace now!

Okay I'll let you read now,

"But why can't I join?!" You whine at your brother as you caught up to him

Miyuki lets out a sigh and turns to you, getting tired of the argument he's been enduring since school started

"You can," he starts, making you cheer, "as a manager," he finishes, making you huff and kick the ground

"I want to play baseball," You argued, fixing your SnapBack on top of your messy short (hair color) hair, making Miyuki close his eyes

"(First name)," He starts, feeling frustrated, Miyuki loves you with all his heart, of course, you are his dear little sister, but you can be too stubborn for him to handle, "I know you want to and you have the ability but the team is all guys,"

"But I'm not even that feminine! Even dad has the idea I'm a boy!" You crossed your arms over your chest

"That doesn't make you a guy! Just because you act like one, doesn't mean you are one!"

"Miyuki!" A deep voice calls out making both of you stop your argument and turn to the baseball team who stopped training once they heard your voices

"Yes, coach?" You and Miyuki asks Kataoka, who was taken aback

Ignoring you, he turns to Miyuki, "who is he?" He asked Miyuki but Miyuki just chuckles

"She's actually my little sister," he corrected the coach

"And what is she doing here?"

"She just wants to su—"

"I wanna try out for the team," you cut off Miyuki, turning to the coach with determined eyes,

The whole team's eyes widened, and even the first-year trio stopped training and turned to you, Sawamura looked around and his eyes landed on you, his cheeks brightening at the sight of you

Coach Kataoka's eyes widens and a smirk suddenly laid on his lips

"Okay, you can."


A month has passed and you got on the baseball team, not only surprising the team but even the whole school!

"Nice work (First name)-kun," Haruichi congratulates you with Furuya and Sawamura as the four of you walked towards the cafeteria

"Yeah! You hit balls on balls that even that Miyuki bastard couldn't!" Sawamura laughs making you chuckle and punch his shoulder

"Thanks!" You grin, not noticing the pained expression on Sawamura's face

You went into the cafeteria and someone instantly got you in a headlock, it's become a daily thing from the second years and third years

"Hyaha! Nice work there (first name)," Kuramochi laughs making you groan

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