Kominato Ryousuke X Reader

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Hello everyone!

This was requested by Freckledflower, sorry if it took a long time to be published

oh OH, I was supposed to mention this the past oneshots but 


jdkfbhfa Seidou finally won against Inashiro! The moment I saw Eijun trending on my twt I immediately went to it and dfmbjlhffh that definitely made my day

Anyway, enjoy and stay safe!


"Ah, there's the problem child," Ryousuke says as soon as you turn on your video, it was the usual time for your video call with him 

"I can't believe you just called your girlfriend a child," You shake your head, "Also, if there's anybody here who's the problem, that's you." You stick your tongue out at him as he chuckles

"So, is there anybody else in your room?" You ask, looking at his background and expecting his roommates, but it was currently empty

"No, but would you prefer talking to them?" He asks, "Just tell me and I'll give you their email." He hums, not meaning any of his offers

"No way, would you?" You grin as Ryousuke smiles evilly

"Jeez! I was just kidding! Besides, if you actually gave me it then I would just ask for pictures of you!" You explain, knowing the meaning of the smile on Ryousuke's face, it was the same smile that can scare anybody 

"My pictures?" He asks, suddenly growing interested

"Yeah, like when you're sleeping, imagine, having a photo of you drooling in your sleep." You tease him as he chuckles

"Not everybody has the same sleeping habits as you, (First name)." He says, getting his phone and showing you the freaking photo your mother sent him of you sleeping

"You promised to delete that!" You yell out as he laughs 

"Never." Now he was the one teasing you 

"Ugh, whatever." You sigh, surrendering, for the time being, he was a master at getting under people's skin and you found out a long time ago that you can't actually win against him 

But soon enough the two of you were talking, you two would often call each other at night to catch up, during those times you would either just vent about annoying people in school, do homework together, or just talk about what you two did 

"Oh yeah! Ryou guess what-" You were about to get the train ticket to show it to him, but stop once the door to his room opens 

"Oi, Ryousuke-" Isashiki stops entering the room when he notices that his teammate was on a call with his girlfriend 

"Hi, Isashiki." You wave at the fielder who nods at you in acknowledgment 

"You need anything?" Ryousuke asks 

"Well..." Isashiki trails off, unsure if he should cut between you and Ryousuke's time together 

"Oh, if you guys need to do anything then I can just end the call." You brush it off as Ryousuke turns back at you

"Don't give me that look, I don't mind." You tell him as Ryousuke raises his eyebrows

"What look?" He feigns innocence as you roll your eyes

"I'm going now then, love you!" You say before ending the call

"Yeah...you too..." Ryousuke was about to say it back but you had already finished the call

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