Narumiya Mei X Reader

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This was requested by GojosLeftToeNail, thank you for requesting, and supporting the book! I love your comments!

Also, when writing this and the previous oneshot, I did not notice the similar setting (Golden week and all. Not to mention, that both are Narumiya x Reader) but because of them I also rewatched those episodes and it made me want to rewatch the whole anime.

That's all! Enjoy and stay safe~


"You look like you could kill somebody," Miyuki comments as you glare at him, among all the players in Seidou, he was the only one who knew about your past with a certain ace player from Inashiro 

"Who? Oh her ex?" Kuramochi suddenly pops beside him as you gape at the shortstop, how did he know?! As far as you were concerned Miyuki was the only one who knew about it since he was a friend since middle school!

"Don't look at me like that, it's not like you two did a good job hiding it." Kuramochi rolls his eyes at the reaction on your face, you used to have this smile on your face whenever you were watching Narumiya...well it was all in the past now, as far as he knew 

"Whatever, I probably won't be able to talk to him later." You answer

"Do you want to?" Miyuki asks, "I can give you a chance." He suggests as you examine the look on his face, despite being an asshole, you knew Miyuki would never joke about these sorts of things and you knew he would actually get you to talk with Narumiya 

"No, I'm good." You huff, although at the back of your head there was something that wants to talk to him, just to get a well-deserved explanation for the breakup that occurred. There were just too many questions going around your head, what went wrong? Can't he do it more properly than on the phone? Don't you at least deserve an explanation? 

There were a lot of unanswered questions, but the biggest question on your mind was if you already wanted to see him. A month hasn't even passed since your breakup. The heartache was still there and the tears still haven't dried out

"Should we help you hide from him then?" The two watches you as you make your choice, it wasn't like there were many chances that you will encounter him so you didn't see the point

"Nah, I think it's better if you two focus on the games's not like both of you are that great at multi-tasking," You change the topic

"...I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," Kuramochi says, cracking his knuckles as Miyuki nods

"Only for today, we won't say anything back to you," Miyuki surprisingly agrees with the shortstop 


Just like you predicted, once Inashiro arrived, they went straight to the field and for the other players. You didn't know whether you were going to feel relieved or hurt by the fact that Narumiya doesn't even look bothered by anything

"Who cares, he's not all that anyway," You say to yourself to convince yourself that you really did not care and that you can most definitely do better than someone like Narumiya

"Are you okay?" You feel Takako's hand on your back to comfort you

You look at her and nod

She gives you a worried look but doesn't push for further details

"I almost forgot but..." You trail off just as she was about to go to Haruno who fell over

"But?" She urges you to continue 

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