Kuramochi Youchi X Reader

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This oneshot was requested by @kuramxchi

Thanks for requesting! Hopefully, you enjoy this oneshot ✌️✌️

"Youchi~" you called merrily, walking inside his dorm room

"(First name)? What happened?" He mumbled tiredly from his bunk bed making you pout

"Today's our anniversary" you reminded him, making his eyes widen

"It was today?!" He exclaimed and checked the calendar and saw that it was marked the exact same date

"Shit" he cussed making you roll your eyes

"Don't worry, idiot! I knew you would forget." you responded, knowing full well that the baseball team training is time and energy taxing

"Here you go~" you said, giving him a small smile and handing him a box of homemade cupcakes

"I-I, thanks," he mumbled, looking down. Feeling embarrassed that he didn't get his wonderful girlfriend anything

"Well, considering that this is your day off and you're probably tired, I think it's best for me to leave you alone." you excused yourself, giving him a kiss on the cheek

"(First name), wait." he stopped you from going out and pulled you towards his chest

"Stay." he mumbled nuzzling his face at the nape of your neck

"Hmmm, wouldn't mind that" you answered, playing with his brown spiky hair as he wrapped his hands around you in an embrace, pulling you closer that you were almost sitting on his lap

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything," he mumbled loud enough for you to hear

"It's okay," you hummed even though you were a bit saddened by the fact that he forgot, even if you knew his conditions...

"I just feel bad that you went out of your way to give me things and I didn't even get you anything," he muttered making you frown

'Wait.' you thought after a minute  and smiled

"Do you want to give back the favor, Youchi-kun?" You asked him, making him look up and stare at your mesmerizing (eye color) eyes and nod

"Spend the day with me" you declared making him grin

"I wouldn't mind that" he agreed, a smile now placed on his lips

You grinned and wrapped your hands around him and placed your head over his chest, hearing the beating of his heart, making the latter pull you closer


Hours has passed and it was now afternoon, while you and Kuramochi were watching (favorite movie) you felt your stomach grumble

"Hungry?" He asked, his voice laced with amusement at the loud sound of your stomach making him poke your stomach

"Oh shut it," you mumble, embarrassed of the sound that your stomach made, nuzzling your face on his chest

"Here," he said, handing you a cupcake that, may I remind you, was made by you

"No." you answered, you voice filled with finality, "It's for you!" You exclaimed but he just stared at you and smacked your head softly...maybe a bit hard

"You're hungry so eat," he grumbled making you scowl

'Well there goes the sweet side' you thought darkly and took the cupcake from him

"Thanks, idiot," you said and took a bite, the icing getting on your cheeks and the tip of your nose

"Kyahahahaha" he laughed when he saw your face, but he also felt his heart melt at the adorable sight

"What?" You asked, your mouth full of the heaven made product

"You have some icing," he told you, pointing at your cheeks and nose, flustered because of embarrassment, you cleaned your face but he continued to stare at your face

"Is there more?" You asked, and as an answer, he nod his head

"Where?" You asked and kept on rubbing

"Here," he said, stopping you from rubbing your face anymore and giving you a short sweet kiss on the lips

"Miyuki Kazuya, is this really alright?" Sawamura asked his Senpai nervously as Miyuki takes a picture

Sawamura looked at both of you, Kuramochi's hands were wrapped around your waist in a protective embrace while your head was on his chest and your hands also on his waist, holding him close

"Yes" Miyuki reassured him but snickered as he thought about the ways he could back mail you

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