Shirasu Kenjiro X Reader

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This was requested by sleepyneen, thank you for requesting! It's a bit long but I hope you like it~
Enjoy and stay safe!

You take a deep breath before entering the coach's office, expecting to see the same scary looking coach you see during games and on magazines to be there

But what faced you was a beautiful woman wearing glasses instead

"Are you (Last name) (First name)?" She asks, pushing her glasses up and offering you a smile

You were gaping at her, only coming to your senses when she said your name

"Yea—yes I'am?" You smile awkwardly, shifting from one foot to another out of nervousness. It wasn't everyday you got to face such a good-looking woman

"No need to be so formal, you can call me Rei-san." She offers her hand out for you to grab

"Uh, then please feel free to call me by my first name." You shake her hand

"Then let's go, I'll show you around." She walks first to the door and waits for you to follow her

"Okay," You nod, following behin her as she walks to the field

You look around the place as you walk, the place was big and you can tell there was many people training, perhaps almost a hundred of them, not only that but it seems like they also have enough equipment for all of them

"Can I actually become a starting player here?" You unconsciously ask out loud, causing Rei to look over to you and smile, you had an awed look on our face

"If you're hard working enough, then I don't see why you can't." She answers as you freeze in surprise before covering your mouth with the palm of your hand, finally realizing that you said it out loud

"Shirasu, please come here!" She calls over someone with white hair

"This is (Last name) (First name), the transferee I was talking about the other day," She introduces you to him as you stare at the player in front of you

"And this is Shirasu Kenjiro, he's the..." You didn't hear the rest of Rei's introduction since you were staring at the player in front of you

He looked reliable, you haven't really read about him in sports magazine like Miyuki Kazuya and Yuki Tetsuya. But from the looks of it, he was dependable and someone who prefers to stay quiet...and someone who would fade on the background of his teammates

"(First name)?" Rei calls out your name, snapping you out from your thoughts as you jump slightly in surprise before offering a hand out to Shirasu

"Hello, I'm sorry I was spacing out, I'm (Last name) (First name). But you can call me by my first name." You greet him as he shakes your hand firmly

"Welcome to the team, I hope we get to play together." He shows you a small smile which you return, albeit with a more awkward one

"He will be showing you around here and the field," Rei says

"Huh?!" You turn to Rei who smiles at you, "Weren't you listening to what I said earlier?" She asks as you gulp

"I was kinda spacing out, sorry." You apologize as Rei sighs but she merely shakes it off

"Well anyway, I'll leave her in your hands Shirasu, good luck." She excuses herself, saying that she had to talk to the coach before leaving you with Shirasu

"Come this way then." He says

You nod as a response and follow him, "This is field A, that's where we often practice. But once there's in upcoming game, people in the first-string are the ones who use it." He says as both of you walks around

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