Kominato Haruichi X Reader 1

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So this is kinda unrelated to the story but I saw this picture (not sure if you already saw it) and well I actually laughed for a few minutes but this is probably one of the best photos of them and let's be honest, the Kominato's look better as girls than us
To whoever made it, I guess you deserve the credit for the adorable work

Now, onto the story~~~~~~

"Haru-chan!" You call out happily, skipping towards Haruichi who was blushing furiously at the sight of you

"(La-last name)-san" he stutters as you went ahead and give the second baseman a bear hug

'Am I hugging him too tightly?' You ponder and decided to let go of the hug

"How are you Haru-chan? Did you sleep well?" You ask him, tilting your head to the side, making his cheeks turn redder at the adorable sight

"Okay then!" You shouted, gripping his hands and dragging him towards your classroom

'Ooh is my hands sweaty?'  You asked yourself, worried that you might disgust the younger Kominato

(Last name) (First name) a very confident and cheerful girl who always speaks her mind, never backs down into a fight, and never lets anyone talk her down, though a bit childish, she's a great person all in all

While she was never a shy person, whenever she was around Haruichi she always felt conscious about her appearance, if her hair looked good or if she was too noisy or if she was too much of a problem, in other words anything that she never worries about

Kominato Haruichi, the cinnamon roll that everyone must protect at all costs. With his girl-like appearance and kind personality, everyone was surprised to find out that he and (Last name) (first name) were friends

While Kominato Haruichi just couldn't believe that you could like him, you were just too dense to notice that Kominato Haruichi likes you more than a friend, let alone notice your own feelings for him

"Haru-chan, you're spacing out," you said, poking his already red cheeks

"Sorry, (Last name)-san," Haruichi apologized, his mind on something

"Eh? Haru-chan, stop the formalities already," you say, puffing your cheeks out in frustration 

'Cute,' Haru thought to himself as he watched you, the way your eyes shined when you're talking about something you love, the way your hands move while explaining and how you laughed

When you noticed him looking you instantly turn red and stop what you were doing before looking away

'Shoot! Did I freak him out?!'  You asked yourself nervously, looking around the room to avoid looking at him

"Kominato-kun~" The annoying voice of those fangirls called making you forget about the embarrassment and huff your cheeks out in annoyance... or maybe jealousy?

"Where are you having lunch at—" she started but even before she could continue, you decided to cut her off,

"Hey hey, Haru-chan, have you done your assignment?" You asked him, leaving the girl with her mouth gaping open, her statement still not finish

"Yes!" Haruichi answered as the girl looked at both of you and blinked

"Eh? Kominato-kun, is she your girlfriend?" She asked making both of you to shut your mouth and turn your attention back to her, both yours and Haruichi's cheeks shaded with an ugly dark shade of red

"No," both of you answered her together, still red in the face but she just looked at both of you

"Eh? But you look like a couple," she continues to wonder but both of you just shake your head to deny her assumptions

'I wish we were,' Both you and Haruichi thought as you looked at each other

'Wait what?!' You asked yourself as you stared at Haruichi and felt your heart race

'I wonder if I should tell her?' Haruichi asked himself as he looked at you who seemed to be battling with yourself mentally

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