Sawamura Eijun X Reader

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This was requested by GojosLeftToeNail thank you for requesting and enjoy~ it was also fun imagining the scenarios in this oneshot cause I really think there would be chaos if this happens 😆
Have fun reading and stay safe~

"(Nickname)!" Sawamura calls out excitedly, waving at you as you beam and skip towards him

"Did you wait long?" You ask after you kiss his cheek, making his smile to grow bigger

"Nope! I just got out of training too!" Sawamura answers as you two enter the restaurant you were going to eat at. It was a fast-food chain and since both of you were kinda broke, you both decide to stick to it

"How's Seidou going?" You ask him, stealing a piece of french fry from him

"Are you trying to get intel from us?" He gasps dramatically as you laughs evilly

"Exactly! You got me Eijun~" You tease him, but honestly, you were just curious on how your boyfriend was doing

"I knew it!" He says still as dramatic as ever, "But no matter what information you got about us, we will win the tournament!" Now he was the one laughing as you raise an eyebrow

"Inashiro will definitely be the champion!" You cross your arms in triumph

"No, it's Seidou!"


The banter continues for a few more minutes, you two just had to stop when a staff came towards you and Sawamura to give you a warning that they were going to kick you two out of you didn't try lowering your voice

"Sorry," You and Sawamura apologize before giggling among yourselves when the staff was gone

"Speaking of teams, when should we tell them about us?" You ask Sawamura  who also starts to think

"How about the games happening after the golden week?" He suggests

You gasp at his idea, which also caused you to cough since you had food in your mouth that time, thankfully Sawamura was fast and handed you your drink

"That's great! And we should make it dramatic as possible!" You were also starting to grow excited at how it would turn out

Soon you two were planning on what was going to happen


"You look excited." Shirakawa comments, his eyes narrowing, "Don't get in trouble (First name), we're in another team's place and you're going to drag us down with you if the coach finds out you got in trouble again." Shirakawa still remembers how he can't even walk properly the next day when the coach tripled their training regime since you got in trouble in school by arguing with your homeroom teacher

"You make it sound as if I'm a trouble maker." You scoff, crossing your arms

"You are, and I'm sure you know this too."

"I do! I just don't like it when other people point it out!"

"First Narumiya And now this." He mutters as Carlos laughs

"She's just having fun, let her be."

"That's too much!" Kuramochi kicks Sawamura who was looking around the field, the only thing left was the wagging tail and he would already look like a dog waiting excitedly for its owner

"Why are you even so excited with Inashiro coming?" Miyuki asks, taking off his helmet and stopping beside Sawamura

"A special person is coming!" Sawamura beams

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