Todoroki Raichi X Tomboy! Reader

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This was requested by aceofsasunaru thank you for requesting!
Also, despite the tomboy! Reader, I'm not even sure if I did the tomboy part right...
Anyways, enjoy reading and make sure to stay safe!!

"(First name)!" Raichi yells once you get out of the principal's office

"Geh, look at what happened to your face." Mishima grimaces, probably pertaining to the black eye and bleeding lip

"They got one punch in, I managed to knock them out." You say proudly but Raichi still looks worried

"Maybe we should get that checked in the clinic?" He suggests, as you stare at your friend. You could tell he was worried and that didn't make things better for you since you didn't want to upset him

"Fine," You agree, following behind Raichi

"Why did you even get in a fight?" Akiba asks

"Not like its anything new," Mishima adds

"He just said some things," You shrug, you didn't want to tell them the reason for your fight was them making fun of you. Telling you that you weren't worth anything because of how you act and such

And it annoyed you since they always make it seem like you were less of a girl because of the way you dress and act, why can't they understand that girls are different from each other and has their own characteristics?

"Did they say something about us that got you angry?" Mishima smirks as you scoff

"I don't give a shit about you, if it was about Raichi though then I would have punched him to the hospital." You place an arm around Raichi, missing the way his face turns bright red at the contact

"Favoritism." Mishima scoffs

"Yep, Raichi's my favorite~" You grin before flinching, the cut on your lip still hurts

"We're here, since we aren't your favorite then we'll leave you with Raichi." Mishima scoffs as you chuckle, even waving at him as he leaves

"Do you want my help?" Raichi offers as you shake your head and pat him

"Don't worry, this isn't the first time, I can handle this." You say as you ask the nurse for the first aid kit which she hands you


"Your company's enough to help me Raichi." You give him a soft smile before starting to clean up the cut and bruises. Besides, Raichi didn't know how to properly handle injuries so letting him fix you up would probably result in something unfavorable

He watches you quietly, finding you beautiful while you clean your wounds. Well, he did find you pretty in whatever you do, when you argue with Mishima, when you stuff your face with food, when you ride your bike, when you look comfortable with the way you sit and when you wear clothes you like, when you play sports with them and when you joke around him and his friends

He just finds you pretty in everything you do

"What? Did I miss a spot?" You ask, noticing his eyes on you

Raichi shakes his head, already feeling flustered that you caught him admiring you

"Have you eaten yet?" You ask as you walk out the clinic with him

Raichi shakes his head

"Come on, I'll treat you." You once again place an arm around his shoulder as you walk to the cafeteria

"Found yourself a girlfriend, (Last name)?" A guy snorts as you raise your middle finger at him

"Maybe if you were less of an asshole then you would too." You retort, ignoring his calls behind seems like you were going to once again get caught up in a fight

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