Miyuki Kazuya X Reader Soulmate AU

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Hello everyone!

This was requested by lazyrain! Thank you so much for requesting and the Ryousuke and Carlos requests will be posted in the next weeks~

This is actually the 3rd to the last oneshot that was requested, and I already finished writing the three of them, but I still have five more oneshots after that (Which isn't requested) and a last author's note. So basically there's only 9 more chapters left :) 

Anyways, that's all! Please enjoy and stay safe!


Miyuki never really cared about the mark on his skin, for him, he would instead focus on his plays rather than obsess over the black, drop-shaped figure

Besides, it wasn't like he was all that thrilled to actually meet his soulmate, he never really thought of romance as anything significant in his life, and he didn't even know how to react once he actually met his soulmate 

Miyuki snickers as he watches Kuramochi stutter and looks so flustered while he talks to his soulmate, most likely still processing the fact that he finally found the person he was always wondering about (Although Miyuki knows Kuramochi would never admit it out loud) 

"Awe, that's cute." He hears someone comment as he looks beside him to see you looking at the couple with admiration in your eyes

"Jealous?" He hears your friend comment beside you

"Of course not." You huff, turning to your right side to see Miyuki standing there

"Oh, Miyuki, I didn't see you there." You say simply as he smiles in acknowledgment

You two were in the same class in the first year, and you two weren't exactly friends, but after working on some projects together when teachers would randomly pick groups, you can say that you two were civil, neither friends nor strangers

"Are you supporting Kuramochi?" You ask him as he rubs the back of his neck

"Not exactly, I don't think he even expected this." He says as he motions the state Kuramochi was in

"Yeah, he does look really flustered." You chuckle, not used to Kuramochi looking so shy

"Makes me wonder how it really feels like." You sigh, and Miyuki could sense that there was some sort of longing in your voice, not to mention, you were rubbing a spot on your arm, it was under your school blazer so he can't really see, but he can guess that it was your soulmate's mark

"Well anyway," You place your hand back on your side, "I'm going back to my classroom, see you around." You wave goodbye at Miyuki before walking away with your friend 

Just as you leave, Miyuki turns back to Kuramochi to see him already walking towards him, his blush still evident on his cheeks

"Nice show out there." Miyuki grins as Kuramochi glares at him, he could grab him by his collar and shake him, but he didn't want his soulmate to see him doing that


"Shoot, I forgot my blazer." You grumble, you were running late during the morning so you didn't really get the chance to check your things 

"It's already getting cold, do you want me to borrow someone's jacket or something?" Your friend asks you as you shake your head, it was getting cold but the day was close to ending, so you figured you would be okay 

But turns out it wasn't since the air was so much cooler than the past day, it was like they made sure that the drop in temperature happened the same time you leave your protection from the cold 

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