Asada Hirofumi X Reader

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Hello everyone

I can't believe I accidentally put up Nori's name instead of Hirofumi

This was requested by ahoogewasntfound, thank you so much for requesting!

I'll be completely honest, I was planning on doing angst for this one, but I just can't do it for Asada, cause aside from he's my favorite Act 2 first year along with Masashi, it's also his only oneshot in this book. Also, was worried I wouldn't be able to post this today cause my wattpad was having problems, but thankfully it was fixed

Well, that's all for this a/n, enjoy and stay safe!


"Asada, are you listening?" You snap your fingers in front of his face, making him wake up from his trance

"Ye-yeah, sorry (Last name)," He apologizes, he didn't mean to space out while you were talking

"Well, it's okay." You nod, fixing your hair, "I thought something was on my face, you know?" You frown as his eyes widen as he tries to make it clear that it wasn't the case

"I was just kidding!" You laugh, hitting his arm softly, but before he knows it, your smile drops, and you scowl

Asada turns around and sees someone who looks like a senior walking towards the two of you, also sporting a frown

"What?" You raise an eyebrow

"Why didn't you go to the meetup place I told you about?" The guy demands

"Because I'm not interested and I don't want to waste my time with you." You say in a straightforward manner, not even stuttering

Suddenly the guy turns to Asada, who freezes at the sight of his glare

"Don't even try doing anything to him, he's got nothing to do with why I don't like you." You say before he can even say anything to Asada

"Then why?!" He demands

"I just don't like you." You say blankly, already fixing your things as Asada soon follows, also cleaning up his things on the lunch table

"Come on Asada, I don't want to have my day ruined." You glare at the guy before turning around and walking away, Asada following behind you as he apologizes to the guy as he accidentally bumps into him

"Um..." Asada trails off once he catches up to you

"You're wondering who's he, right?" You sigh

"If you don't mind."

"Don't worry, I don't." You give him a soft smile, "He's just a guy who said he was interested in me." You shrug

"You turned him down?" Asada didn't mean to check him out, but even he has to say that the guy was good-looking, not to mention his build makes it clear that he was part of some sports club in school

"I'm not interested." You sigh before turning to Asada, "Honestly, why can't they just accept the damn rejection?" You start to rant as you and Asada walk out of the cafeteria

"Actually..." You stop, making Asada also halt in his steps as he looks at you who was grinning

"What if I actually go out with you, maybe then they'll stop." You suggest cheekily as Asada feels his cheeks heat up as his heart starts to hammer against his chest, he couldn't even formulate any words to say at your suggestion, too flustered to even think about a simple word

"I was just joking, jeez!" You nudge him, chuckling lightly, "Don't look so scared, okay?" You tap his cheek before walking again

You didn't want him to see your flustered state as well, who knows, you might be the one who ends up heartbroken if you actually say it to him seriously

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