Kominato Haruichi X Reader

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"So this is where Haruichi has been living," You muse out, staring at the dormitories, holding balloons, a box of cake and your birthday gift

You suck in a deep breath, before taking a reluctant step towards the dormitories

"Uh....hello," you greet the first person you see on the hall, who happens to be Furuya

Furuya looks startled by you, but still manages to contain his cool, "Hello," he greets quietly when a boisterous noise came

"Furuya!" Sawamura shouts, running at full speed towards Furuya, only stopping short when he sees you, you noticed his neck turning red, "WHO IS THIS GIRL?!" He asked loudly, "IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?"

He continues while you cringe at the loud tone of his voice

"No," Furuya states simply while Sawamura marches towards both of you, "then who—"

"Bakamura! Stop making noise!" Somebody shouts, as you turn to see Kuramochi, with a bunch of third years

"(First name)?" Ryosuke asked

Your eyes brighten at the sight of a familiar face, "Ryo-nii!" You exclaim happily almost dropping the cake

"What are you doing here?" He asks, making you smile and motion for the cake and balloons

"It's Haruichi's birthday... and well I wanted to surprise him," you grin sheepishly making him chuckle

"Your relationship can make me puke at times," he says, but you were used to his dark humor, besides, you knew he didn't mean it

You've been dating Haruichi since his first year in middle school, because of that most of the time you hang out at his place and grown to be a part of their little family

"How about you? Did you get him anything?" You ask him but he shrugs, "I'll play baseball with him later," he smiles while you nod 

"Oi Ryosuke, who is she?"


Haruichi looks at the ceiling in his room, waiting for your call, every year when it was his birthday it will start off with you calling him to greet him happy birthday but you still haven't

Haruichi sighs, he misses you and he was hoping to spend this day with you but he knew with the number of school work you have to do it was a hopeless dream

Zono walks into the room, and started rummaging on his stuff, "You never told me you have a girlfriend," he says to Haruichi, pulling out a shirt

"Ho-how did you know?" Haruichi asks Zono, his heart beating loudly

"She's downstairs talking with the team," He replies making Haruichi's stomach flutter

Instantly he runs down to see that you were talking with the first string members

Your eyes caught his making you smile

"Haru!" You call, excusing yourself from the group and walking towards him, "Happy Birthday!" You exclaim, handing him his gift, along with the cake and balloons

"Wha-What are you doing here?" Haruichi asks you, looking at the team who were all glaring at him enviously

"Well, it is your birthday and I haven't seen you and well... I just though we should spend time with each other," you say brightly making Haruichi smile, "I mean I get that you have training but I can wait, you look really cool when playing baseball anyway!" You smile at him making him blush

"Thank you," he says sincerely 


"So this is where you've been living," you say to him at night when you both were in his room

"Yeah, it's nice," he says, before looking at you, "Tha-thank you, (First name)," he blushes, making you giggle

"You really are adorable, Haru." You smile at him as you wrap an arm around his waist, you look into his eyes and pecked his lips

"You deserve everything," You whisper to him before you rest your head on his shoulder

"I love you, (first name)." You hear him whisper as you fell into dreamland

Hey guys!!!
So March 1 is a very special day


Happy Birthday Haruichi! The innocent looking devil 😂

Well I guess, I'll end it here! Request are open, if any of you guys have any request please message or comment it with a short desciption on how you want it to be!

That's all byeee

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