Furuya Satori X Reader 2

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You walked out of the stadium, grinning at the fact that Seido won in the scrimmage

You walked towards the managers who were all talking about the plans they made for lunch

"(Last name)," Furuya calls from behind you, causing you to turn around and look at him

"Yes, Furuya?" You asked him as he was about to open his mouth to say something

"Hya!" You heard Kuramochi shout as he kicked the noisy pitcher at the back

"Shut up, stupid!"'he exclaimed leaving you amused at their relationship

"We should go to the bus, we're probably about to leave," you said to Furuya who closed his mouth and nodded

Furuya followed you as both of you climbed the bus and sat on your respective seats, Furuya seated, was still thinking about you

'How should I tell her?' He asked himself as beside him a senpai followed his gaze of vision and saw that he was looking at you

"Psst, What was that about?" Haruno asked you but you just shrugged, not knowing the reason Furuya wanted to talk to you but at the back of your mind, you knew you hoped he was going to ask you out

Yes both of you know each other very well, and yes you might have feelings for the raven-haired pitcher but considering his growing amount of fan girls, you started to lose hope that it will ever happen and he'll probably get into one of that cliche cheerleader and player relationships

"Maybe he wants to go out with you?" Sachiko asked, grinning making you blink at your senpai who always finds amusement in teasing you about your crush

"Eh? But that's impossible, senpai" you huffed out a strand of hair that blocked your eyes and looked out the window


It was night time, you walked out of your dorm and towards a vending machine, planning on getting a soda since the weather was still hot

"(Last name)," Furuya called making you jump in surprise and turn around to be faced with the blushing monster rookie

"Yes, Furuya? You wanted to ask me something?" You asked him making him blush harder, your cuteness too much for him

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere this weekend," he said, his hands fumbling as he avoided eye contact while the question sank in, your jaw dropped

"Are-Are you serious?" You asked him but he just turned a darker shade of red and nod

"Only if you want— 

"Of course, I want to!" You exclaimed and covered your mouth with your mouth in embarrassment

"I mean yeah, I'll go with you" you answered coolly as he nodded, his lips twitching up at your attitude

"I'll see you on Saturday then." he bids you goodbye quietly as he turned around and retreated

"Yeah, see you" you mumbled as you bit your lip and squealed internally


"Hyahahaha, he actually did it" Kuramochi laughed along with Miyuki who was planning to tease Furuya once he gets back

Furuya walked inside Miyuki's dorm, his mouth twitching up while his cheeks were trying to cool down

"Oh Furuya~" all the members inside the room called teasingly, doing kissy faces, even the captain joined the teasing along with Isashiki

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