Kuramochi Youichi X Reader

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Hi hi!

This is the 3rd to the last oneshot, and I actually finished the other two already, so I'll be posting them within this week~ Consider it an early Christmas gift :) 

Anyways, that's all! Enjoy reading and stay safe!


You straighten the dress that you were wearing, sending your co-worker a quick text that you were in the area she told you about for the blind date

Yes, blind date. According to your co-worker, you were withering your youth away with work. Even reminding you that ever since you worked, she never even saw you go out with anybody so she took it upon herself to find you a potential partner...with her partner's work friend who, according to her, looks like he was ready to grow old alone 

It wasn't like you never dated anybody. There was this guy during high school you went out with but since you two were going to two different colleges far from each other, you two mutually agreed to just end it. Then there was this guy in your second year in college...who ended up leaving you for his ex. Then the last one was during your third year which managed to last in the middle of fourth year. So you weren't really new to the whole dating thing

But the problem was, it has been years since you actually got to go on a date. So despite your experience, it was still nerve-wracking to wait for this stranger, who you didn't even know if they had the plan to show up

"Excuse me," Someone taps you on your shoulder, "Are you (Co-worker's name)'s friend?" At the familiar name he said, you turn around

You stare at the person in front of you in disbelief as his expression mirrors yours

"(First name)?"

"Youichi?" You both say at the same time 

"Wow, I haven't seen you since high school." You chuckle, giving him a one-over and having one conclusion in mind. He definitely got fitter. 

"Yeah, you too." Kuramochi was ready to charm the heck out of his date, but now that he finds out that it was his old girlfriend (first too) he just can't help but feel shy. Even though he did go out with people during his college days and the first few years after going pro, there were still times during late nights when he would wonder what if, what if you two never broke up, would it have worked out? 

"But I guess this makes introductions easier, huh?" You smile at him, "I heard your team won the last season, congrats." 

"Huh? Thanks." He clears his throat

"So, am I going to get some kind of free meal? You got to have earned a lot after that win." You say jokingly as Kuramochi finally laughs

"Sure, as long as you order the cheapest food on the menu." He plays along with your joke as you give him a dirty look

"How stingy." You comment as he laughs, and soon enough you find yourself laughing along with him. Unable to find yourself to resist his laugh even though it has been years since you two last talked to each other

"Shall we go?" You ask, motioning for the aquarium

"Yeah, let's go." He agrees as both of you walk towards the entrance, thankfully your co-worker already gave you the tickets for the event

"I really need to go out more." You say in awe as you look around the area, the room made you feel like you were really underwater, with how spacious it was and the sea creatures swimming in the aquarium that basically filled up the room 

"Yeah," Kuramochi says quietly, sure at first his attention was on the fishes, but soon he just find his eyes following you, noticing the bliss on your face as you basically scare the fishes away with how close you were getting to the glasses

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