Seidou Act II 2nd Years X Reader

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This was requested by ppdestroyer_420 thank you for requesting and I hope you like it! Even though it took a long time and this trend probably died down already

Have a nice day and enjoy~

"Hurry up!" You motion for all of them as Tojo, Kanemaru and Haruichi trail behind you, still wondering if this was a good idea or not, they didn't even know if it was a good idea to trust you and Sawamura

"Hurry up! Chop chop!" Sawamura also calls after them

"Shut up! Furuya wake up!" Kanemaru shouts as Furuya opens his eyes and blinks a few times, obviously still sleepy

"We're here!" You announce, opening your arms wide as you stand in the middle of the field, on one of your hand was your phone while Sawamura was carrying the white cloths and a bag containing sunglasses and hats

"Why are we doing this again?" Kanemaru sighs in exasperation

"For bonding! Besides, we can't do much since we're always training! Let's at least do a trend together!" You say in excitement, "Please?" You and Sawamura gave them your best puppy dog eyes

"Well...there wouldn't be any problem right?" Tojo says

"We don't often do this after all," Haruichi agrees

"You two are too soft with these idiots." Kanemaru sighs

"Okay then!" You clap your hands, "Furuya put this on!" You walk towards Furuya and put the white cloth over him

"You look wonderful." You coo as Kanemaru hits you at the back of your head

"You can't even see his face!"

"Kanemaru get ready!" Sawamura laughs as Kanemaru was doon covered with the white cloth

"Sawamura!" Kanemaru tries to reach for Sawamura but ends up stepping on the cloth and falling over

"Hey, this is just a joke, don't actually die and become a ghost." You poke him as he tries catching your finger

"Falling down won't be the cause of my death, it's you!"

"Then you had the best reason for death then." You laugh before moving away when he tried grabbing you

"I did it! I put it on them!" Sawamura grins proudly as he shows you Tojo and Haruichi who was also covered with the cloth

"I think we should have put holes in this cloth so we could see." Tojo comments

"We can but we'll get in trouble." You say as they all remain silent at your statement

"...This cloth is yours, right?"

"Why would I have a white cloth? I borrowed it from the economic club!" You grin proudly

"What?" You ask when all of them remained silent

"We have to wash this as soon as we finish."

"Let's also write them an apology letter because of (First name) and a thank you letter."

"I'll give it!"

"How rude!" You huff

"Well, let's just have fun for now." Tojo sighs as you beam, although he can't see it, Tojo guesses you were smiling

"Wait! Ei-chan give them the sunglasses and hat!" You call Sawamura who immediately raises the bag He was carrying and opens it to give his friends the sunglasses and hats

"Did you also borrow this?" They ask you as you shake your head

"Nah, got those from that shop here."

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