Hongo Masamune X Chubby!Reader 2

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This was requested by kuramxchi !thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy this part two of Hongo Masamune X chubby Reader!

If any of you guys have any request, please comment it and say(?) if it's fluff, angst or au's


You stare at yourself in the mirror, a bright smile laying on your lips as you hold back a squeal, excited for the date with your crush but also nervous, for the exact same reason

When you were satisfied with how you look, you leave your house and walk towards the baseball field, the place where you and Hongō agreed to meet up

"Hello, Masamune-kun," you greet the pitcher shyly, looking down and fumbling with the hem of your sweatshirt

"Hey, (Last name)," he nods and both of you stare at each other

"Sho-should we go?" You stammer out, feeling nervous once again

"Yeah, come on," he motions you to follow him, which you do, almost gladly

Both of you walk around town, of course getting stared on, not only by girls but also guy

"Hey, hey, that's Hongo Masamune, right? The hulk of the north...right?" You heard a girl ask her friend excitedly, making your stomach churn at the thought of being looked down by someone who has interest in Masamune

"Hiya, Hongo-kun~" she giggles, twirling a strand of hair, giving Masamune a bright smile that could make an ice cream melt

"Good afternoon," Masamune greets back monotonously, grabbing your hand and dragging you away

"Wa—Wait! Masamune-kun!" You sputter, catching your breath because of his fast strides

"Sorry," He mumbles, loud enough for you to hear, "I just didn't want to face anybody..." he answered too seriously making you wonder if he was being genuine or just joking

"Well...it's okay...I guess?" You mutter, looking down and staring at your intertwined hands

Suddenly your stomach growls, the sound loud enough for Masamune to hear audibly

"I-I-I—Uh..." you stammer, your face getting darker and darker as each moment passes

"Hungry?" He asks you, amused by the whole situation, not noticing a small smile now laying on his lips

"I-Uh—Yeah," you admit sheepishly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, making Masamune's face turn red

"Masamune-kun...are you alright?" You ask him, tilting your head to the side making him blush harder

"Ye-yeah," he stutters, leaving you amused at the newly found knowledge that someone like him could actually blush

"Come on," he mutters, pulling your hands towards a small cafe

The smell of freshly baked bread filled your nostrils as he opened the door, the interior design was fantastic, the place was filled with multiple white web designed chairs and simple glass tables, with families filling almost every spot, the walls were lavender with quotes and photos in nearly on every side

"This is adorable," You muse out as Masamune turned to look at you and smiled softly

'That smile...it fits her very well,' he thinks to himself as he pulls you towards a secluded area

Both of you sat down in front of each other and in an instant, a waiter was placing menus on your table

"May I take your order?" He asks politely, giving both of you a polite smile as he takes out his pen and notepad from his pocket

"I'll have a cup of black coffee and roasted turkey breast sandwich," Masamune orders within a minute while your eyes continued to skim on the menu hungrily

"Everything looks so delicious," You accidentally gush and turned bright red

"I-I'll have a slice of (favorite flavor) cake and a large latte" you order, hiding your face from the waiter who smiles at both of you

"You two make a cute couple," he compliments, making your eyes widen

"I-I uhh...no-no...we—I—he—this," you try to explain but just a bunch of random words come out

"Thank you," Masamune says and turns to look at you, whose mouth was wide open at the fact that Masamune didn't bother to correct the waiter

"Please wait for a few minutes for the food to be prepared," The waiter says shortly and walks away

"Thank you for agreeing to this Masamune-kun," you say gratefully, a small smile on your lips

"It-it's nothing," Masamune attempts to keep his voice firm but looking at your reddened cheeks and the bright smile on your face, he wasn't able to handle it

"I heard you enjoyed reading..." he trails off, trying to start a conversation, remembering what his teammates said

"Remember Masamune, you need to make sure you make her feel comfortable! Make conversations, make her feel that you have feelings for her!"

"O-oh Yeah!" You burst out excitedly, listing your favorite books and their descriptions

"Here are your orders," the waiter says as he place each of your orders on your table, your mouth watered as the smell fills your nostrils, your eyes devouring each food hungrily

Both you and Masamune eat in silence, after a minute you looked up the same time as Masamune, you gave him a small smile as he also smiles back, a bit reluctant

Suddenly, he grabbed a napkin and scooted closer towards you, wiping an icing from the corner of your face

"Tha-thanks," you stumble with your speech, going back to eating your food quietly, your heart beating fastly

After eating both of you decided to go back, you didn't want to, nor did he but his friend, Renji called him to inform Masamune he still had to attend afternoon training

"Today was fun," you say shyly, looking down to avoid eye contact

"Yeah, it was,"

"Good luck on your training,"

"Thank you,"

You both stopped in front of your house, "well, I'll see you around school," you bid him goodbye before turning around to enter your house

"(Last name)," he stops you from going inside, as you turn around to look at him again

"Yeah?" You ask him, furrowing your eyebrows

"Maybe next week...you'll like to go somewhere with me...again?" He asks you, now avoiding eye contact

"I-I yeah sure," you agree softly, your voice faltering at the sudden invitation

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," he bids you goodbye, turning around to walk towards Komadai Fujimaki

"Yeah, see you," you whisper, not being able to stop the smile from forming as you go inside your house, still grinning brightly

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