Sawamura Eijun X Sibling! Reader

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Hi everyone~

This ain't incest don't worry

This was requested by @Papayahhhh I hope you enjoy this one too!

Stay safe and enjoy~

"It's starting already!" You gasp as you made a beeline for the sidelines with the alumni

You watch as Sawamura pitches against a player with pink hair, "Ooh that's a nice hit!" You wince as it flew, thankfully the center field caught it

"Eijun!" You call out to your brother, waving your hands vigorously

"Eh?" Sawamura looks around upon hearing your voice, "Did you hear that? That's my nee-chan's voice!" He exclaims

"Eijun over here!" You continue to shout and soon enough Sawamura spots you

"Nee-chan!" He cheers, waving back at you

"That's his sister really?"

"I couldn't even notice!"

"No way, isn't she that college player?!"

"That's enough reunion, come back here already!" His teammates for the intra-squad exclaim as they pull him in, as much as they would love to ask Sawamura more about you, they had other problems they had to think off—and one of those is how they were going to score against Furuya's fastballs

"Oh so that's the infamous fastball," You say to yourself, suddenly feeling excitement course through your veins at the sight of the two pitchers. First with your brother and now with Furuya, god you can't help but buzz with excitement at the thought of hitting their pitches

"Although it would be good if he didn't walk that...Kijima?" You ask yourself as you try to remember the name of the batter properly

"Yay go B team!" You cheer once the second string managed to score, "That's it! That's how you do it!"

"Hehe nee-chan's support is really nice," Sawamura smiles merrily

"Amazing, does that loud voice run in their family?"

"Let's go Eijun!" You cheer for him as he walks towards the mound, he looks behind him and waves at you

"Heh my little brother's really cute," You coo, watching him as he pitched against Miyuki (You knew about him after all the time Sawamura talked about him whenever he called)

"Don't mind don't mind!" You exclaim once Miyuki managed to hit one off Sawamura, "Ei-chan, do your best!" 

'Although I wouldn't be surprised if he does get scared of them,' You think, remembering some of the games you watched, not to mention Seido was known as a team with strong batters, so you aren't surprised that he may feel pressured with the first string against him

You continue to watch them play, shouting praises at Sawamura when he got a hit against Furuya...even though Haruichi stopped it

"Oh, this one isn't bad either," You smirk, watching as Kawakami strikes out the batters, "Seriously! I wanna try hitting off them too!" You watch the whole game with your hands shaking in anticipation, surely the coach wouldn't mind if you hit off some of their pitchers


The game ended with 7 runs for team A and 2 runs from team B

'Well, this is kinda to be expected I guess?' You think as you walk towards the rest of the team, were you allowed to do it, you didn't know; But you've waited long enough to finally talk with your baby brother face to face

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