Isashiki Jun X Reader 2

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This is a continuation from that one Isashiki one shot where he likes his friend!

Somebody requested a part two for that, I just didn't get to save their @ 😭😅

Anyways, enjoy and stay safe~

Isashiki looks back at his teammates who keep on cheering him on with thumbs up and mouthing 'You can do it!'

If you were wondering no, it didn't help in calming his nerves

"I can't believe this, I can't believe this." He continues to mutter under his breath as he finally places the small paper in your shoe locker by the entrance of the school

Isashiki didn't even know why he followed his friends, as far as he knew, you didn't have any sort of feelings for him considering the alarming amount of time oh keep on trying to set him up with Takako

He looks back at the said manager who gives him a thumbs up

You were setting him up with the girl who was also trying to set him to you

"Idiots! I'm surrounded by idiots!" He booms once he reaches the other third years

"You're an idiot too." Ryousuke quips from the side as Isashiki gives him a sideway glance

"Hah?! What did I do to-"

"You like (Last name)," Ryousuke suggests causing Isashiki to close his mouth, not even able to deny it

"So how do you think she'll react?" Fumiya asks

"I think she'll be happy." Takako answers behind

"She'll probably be really surprised! More surprised if she finds out it's from Isashiki." Ryousuke smiles, "You sure we can't watch the confession?"



"Isashiki!" You exclaim upon entering the classroom, an unusual look of panic on your usually calm, annoying face

"What?" Isashiki asks in alarm, almost standing up from his seat

"Someone left me a note!" You yell out and wave the little paper he previously put in your locker, "I think they misplaced it!"

Isashiki regrets he even moved from his position

"How can you be sure this person misplaced it?" He crosses his arms as you hurry towards your table beside him to put your things down, "Have you opened it?"

"No." You reply simply

'...Am I really confessing to someone like her?' Isashiki wonders

"I wanted to do it with you." You say, a hint of nervousness in your voice, "What if it's just a prank or something? At least with you, I can ask for a second opinion." You say and look at Isashiki who just sighs, knowing he won't be able to say no to you

"Fine, let's read it." He grumbles as you nod and start opening the closed paper slowly

"What are you doing?" He asks impatiently

"Chill, it's my first letter, I want it to be dramatic." You shrug and continue at the pace you were going

"Really really an idiot." He mutters under his breath

"Ta-da~" You day with no enthusiasm whatsoever

You both read the letter he wrote for you,
I have something to tell you, meet me at the hill by the baseball field.
With love and kisses
-Someone who's been liking you for a long time

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