Kuramochi Youchi X Reader

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This was requested by sleepyneen, thank you so much for requesting, I had fun writing and thinking of the whole scenario! I hope you enjoy this oneshot~ 

Honestly though, even though I'm content and happy with how I finished this oneshot, I do think I could have added more scenes between the reader and Kuramochi when they were getting to know each other, but anyway

Stay safe and have fun reading~


"Yo, Kazuya!" You call out as you enter the 3-B classroom, making at least half the class stare in your direction 

Miyuki, who was sitting beside Kuramochi, sighs while he massages his temple. Kuramochi stares at his teammate with a confused look on his face. Did he know you? What caused that reaction? 

Kuramochi looks back at you, you didn't even look like you were annoying. Hell, in Kuramochi's standard you were attractive

"Oi, Kazuya, where were you this morning? I had to go through this school just to find the office, you know." You cross your arms 

"I had morning training," Miyuki answers, "Besides, you're exaggerating, you probably found the office within a few minutes." Miyuki also crosses his arms, mimicking your actions 

"This school's huge Kazu, thanks for thinking I'm smart enough to find it myself within a short period of time but I seriously did spend a lot of time for that office." 

"Well, you're here now, aren't you?" Miyuki smiles 

"Well, no thanks to you." You smile back

Kuramochi watches the whole conversation, his eyes going back and forth between you and Miyuki. So were you Miyuki's friend? Maybe his girlfriend? That would be good gossip to share with the others 

Just then, your eyes trail from Miyuki to Kuramochi whose eyes widen 

"Who's he?" You ask, staring at Kuramochi curiously 

"I'm Kuramochi," He introduces himself

"Oh, his friend?" You point at Miyuki with your thumb as Kuramochi gives an expression that was a mixture between disgust and disbelief

"No, why would you think that?" As he says those words, beside him, Miyuki laughs loudly as if he finds Kuramochi's answer humorous 

"Oh, thank god. I thought you were a lost cause." You sigh in relief before holding out a hand, in front of Miyuki's face, for Kuramochi to shake

"My name's (Last name) (First name), I just transferred here. There was a guy who was supposed to show me around but he bailed on me." You smile, giving Miyuki a side glare as the catcher merely smiles at you innocently 

"The guy sounds like a complete asshole." Kuramochi comments, shaking your hand 

"Ugh, you wouldn't believe it." 

"You know most of the time, people talk bad about others behind their back." Miyuki comments, pushing both your hands away 

"We could, but where would be the fun in that?" You smile at Miyuki, "I would prefer for you to hear it. Maybe there's some kind of soul in you that would hear it and push you to be a better person." 

"You really wanna start in your new school like that? You might not make friends," Miyuki comments lightheartedly 

You let out a laugh, "If you're doing good, then I'll be fine." You retort before turning your attention back to Kuramochi

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