Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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You skip happily down the halls to the classroom, carrying a box of chocolate that you made while greeting friends on the way

As you reached classroom 2B, you enter the room to look around, immediately spotting your boyfriend, Miyuki Kazuya

"Kazu!" You called happily, skipping  towards him and handing him the homemade chocolate that you made all night

"Happy Anniversary!" You greet him joyfully, making him look down the box and up to you

"Thanks," he replied shortly, making you frown, dropping the box on the table

This has been happening more recently, He would often be on his phone or on his thoughts whenever you were together, and funny enough he would be smiling at them, whenever you would ask him what was wrong he would just shush you or ignore you completely

It was like you were the only one trying in the relationship... and even if you would never admit it, it was starting to hurt you

"Kazu, Do you have plans for later?" You ask him, ignoring the annoyed sigh that came out of his mouth

"I have practice," he replies shortly, turning back to Kuramochi who gives you a look of guilt

You pout sadly, wanting to speak to him more, but you decided that it was time for you to go to your seat

"See ya later then!" You smiled at them and sat at the back of the class

(Girl's name) then walked in and instantly walk towards Miyuki, bending down to whisper something in his ear that caused the catcher to suddenly grin

You looked at the both of them, it was no doubt that both of them looked good together, even better than you and Miyuki

You shake your head, not wanting to think of anything about Miyuki, trusting him that he would never break your heart

So since you two haven't been spending much time with each other, you decided to bake him a cake for the celebration


At the end of the day, you walked out of the classroom since your boyfriend decided to be an ass and leave before you, not even giving you a glance on his way out

You proceeded to your dorm, pulling out ingredients from the shelves and refrigerator that you needed for baking,

It was Valentine's day, it was normal for a girlfriend to give something to her boyfriend, right? The chocolates were for your anniversary, the cake is for Valentine's. Surely, Miyuki would be happy 

You grin as you looked at the cake that you made

It was (favorite flavor) cake decorated with the Seido uniform colors and at the front, you wrote a message for him

You then placed it on a box neatly and proceeded to walk toward Miyuki's room

As you were walking, you passed Kuramochi who looks at you as if wanting to stop you

"Hey Kuramochi," you greet him as he waves at you in return, his frown not leaving his face

"Is Miyuki in his room?" You asked him making the shortstop nod as a reply

"Wait (first name)—" he tried to stop you but you just ignored him and skipped towards his room, a smile now laying on your lips as you imagined his happy and surprised face,

"Kazu—" You called out playfully but suddenly stopped at the sight in front of you,

He was on his bed, naked and on top of (Girl's name) who was pulling his hair while he was thrusting into her,

"Wha?" You asked as you stared at both of them, tears threatening to fall down but you held them in, does a cheater deserve your tears? Hell, freaking no.

"What is this?" You asked him making him stop his action and causing (Girl's name) to whine

"I why— you know what, forget it, Happy Anniversary, Miyuki," you said, your voice cracking before walking out, of course throwing the cake at both of them before you did

As you were walking, the tears started streaming down,

'How could he? After everything I've done for him?' You asked yourself as you wiped the tears that were falling continuously, even when you tried to, it wouldn't stop

"(First name), Wait." he stops you, panting as he grips your wrist to make you halt

You turn to him, who was wearing his regular pants and shirt but now, it was disheveled while his hair stuck out in multiple places, making you remember the scene you witnessed

but before he could say anything you slap him

A loud echoing sound sounded as you stare at his eyes, the eyes that you once always wanted to look at,  but now, just wanting to avoid staring at

"How dare you," you hiss, poking his chest, "after all the things I've done? After everything, we've been through? You do this?" You rage as he looks down

"Don't you dare look down," you demand, your hands balling into fists, "how long?" You asked, taking a deep shaky breath as you waited for his response,

"A month," he mumbles making you close your eyes, trying to stop the tears from streaming out,

"You asshole, you idiot," you cry, pushing his hands away when he tried to grab you

"(First name) I—"

"Don't you dare touch me with that filthy hands," you snap causing him to stop his movements and put his hands on the side

"Don't come near me, don't talk to me, and don't call me, okay?" You fume, staring at his eyes that were watching your every movement

"I hate you, I hate you, you god damn cheater!" you scream, pushing him one last time and running to your dormitories,

When you were gone, Miyuki looked up, tears already starting to form in the corner of his eyes, he knew he fucked up, he knew he could never get you back and that he lost the best girl he could ever have

'I'm sorry, (First name)'

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