Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hi everyone!

I was planning to post this earlier but it slipped my mind but here it is!

This was requested by @AsamiRyuzaki and it took me such a long time to actually write and finish it so I'm really sorry!

Stay safe and enjoy~


"(First name)-chan!" You beam upon hearing Sawamura's voice calling you over

"Ei-chan, everything alright?" You ask him

"Can you catch for me again tonight?" He asks excitedly while you grin

"Sure!" You agree, not able to say no to Sawamura's adorable smiling face

You first knew Sawamura as the kid who got late on the first day at the team, you never really gave him much attention since most of your focus was on working as a manager, but after the coach trusted Sawamura to Chris in Summer, you two formed a friendship...both ready to follow Chris around and give him a headache

After the Summer tournament, it seems like Sawamura got into a slump, now that he's already fine, you promised that you would help him improve and achieve his dream of becoming an ace, even if that means that you'll have to stay at a much more later time than most

"What pitch should we try tonight? Should we ask Chris-senpai?" You both talk as you walk toward the cafeteria

"But he's really busy studying," You point out, remembering the sight of Chris, looking so done with his studies (That or cause of the other third years, you'll never know)

"Then Miyuki-senpai?" Sawamura asks and your smile almost drops

"Well if you want to." You smile, trying to hide your disdain


"Okay Ei-chan, give me your best shot!" You say, putting your mitt in the middle, "Don't worry about hitting me! I have a thick skull!" You reassure him

"That's right," Miyuki's voice says from beside you, you resist the urge to roll your eyes

"What are you doing here? Thought you had other plans?" You scowl as you perfectly catch Sawamura's pitch

"Nice ball Ei-chan!" You compliment him and throw the ball back at him, "Do you wanna try practicing your fastballs next?" You ask


"Plans? I don't remember having anything?" Miyuki replies

"Last time I checked, you couldn't be bothered cause you were catching for the great ace-sama," You give him a side glare, you didn't completely hate Miyuki, as much as you hated to admit it; he was a catcher you've always respected even back when you were in the senior league, but it infuriates you how he always seems indifferent to Sawamura and treats him like some sort of idiot

"We finished, Coach Ochiai wanted to talk to him,"

"Course he does," You huff, if there was anybody else you dislike more than Miyuki was that new coach, it was so obvious that he has favorites that you almost wonder if he has the ability to lead a strong team like Seido...or at least help the players grow

"Should I take over now?" He asks after watching you and Sawamura continue to practice his pitches

"No, we're fine." You reply coldly

"We're playing a game this coming Friday, Is your name on the line-up (First name)-chan?" He smirks at your glare

"You have afternoon training to work your batteries, why can't you do it at that time then?" You ask back, "Cause your focusing on someone else?"

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