Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hey peeps, how are you guys? Good? Or bad?

So this oneshot was requested by @Blankshitalltheway

Thank you so much for the request! This one was really amusing to write specially since it's the first time or second time I've wrote about a character like her,
Well I'll get on with the story! Request are open! If you guys have any please comment or message me and please give a simple description on how you would like it to be


You tap your pencil on your desk, ignoring the stares and whispers you receive from your classmates, and not the good ones too, but they don't have to worry, you don't care and besides, not like you're a fan of them anyway

I mean just their lack of vocabulary in insults is annoying but there was one person who you can never agree with

Finally after a long minute the bell rang, making you stop mid yawn and close your mouth

"Finally," you mutter, standing up from your seat and walking towards the door of your classroom

"Ow!" A girl whines when you accidentally bump shoulders with her, making you look over her, your face still remaining monotonous

"Oh sorry," you say blankly making her glare at you

"As if you mean it!" She exclaims, making you cringe at her tone

"You're right, I don't," you replied simply making her hmmp in response

"You are such a—"

"-Let me guess," you stopped her mid-sentence, "A bitch? Smartass? Know it all? Mean? Annoying?" You listed down the things people would often call you making the girl shut her mouth

You smirk upon seeing her face, pissing her off more than she was

"If you know what's wrong with you, then why don't you change? With your attitude, no one will like you!" She smirks at her comeback most likely hoping that you'll burst into tears and run to the bathroom but well... you didn't

"If there's anybody to feel bad about-" you stepped closer to her, "is you and your lack of creativity in name-calling," you taunt, rolling your eyes and backing away, mentally high fiving yourself for the comeback

"Hahaha, nice one (last name)-chan!" You heard that annoying voice laugh and wrap an arm around your shoulder

You glare up at Miyuki who grins at you, you didn't bother hiding it... you are not a big fan of Miyuki

Who would? The first week, you already showed them your attitude, and somehow the catcher didn't even seem annoyed or phased by it. He even seemed like he had fun with it! Making it his mission in life to pester you whenever he can 

"How are you?"

"Fine until you came along," You grumble, and pushing his hands away, giving him a glare for good measure

"Awww don't be like that," he teases but you gave him a blank look

"Are you implying that I change?"

This question caused Miyuki's eyes to widen in realization, "n-no! Not like that! I-it's—"

"You're stuttering," you point out but he just groans, as you smirk in your success at stopping his remarks from coming out

'Miyuki-0 (first name)-1' You fist bump yourself for keeping your winning streak for a week now

Using that as your chance, you went out the room and to the cafeteria ignoring Miyuki's call

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