Shirasu Kenjiro X Reader 2

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Hello everyone!

This was requested by EstefaniaRodrigues33, thank you so much for requesting it, and even though it's a bit short, I hope you enjoy it!

This is also the 191st chapter of the book! Just 9 more and it's the end for this book~ 

That's all for this a/n, have fun reading and stay safe!!


"Kenjiro." You repeat in front of the mirror for the umpteenth time, trying to get used to saying his first name, "Kenjiro, Kenjiro." You repeat 

"Yes?" Shirasu asks by the door of your room, you didn't notice him enter the room

"Shira-Kenjiro!" You exclaim in surprise as he chuckles softly before walking towards you

"You're already calling me by my first name? I'm glad." He says honestly

"Mhm, it's still a work in progress but I'm getting there." You say with determination as Shirasu once again chuckles as he pats your hair

"That's good, but we should hurry or we'll be late for training." He reminds you as your eyes widen before you grab your things

"You good?" He asks as you nod, shyly grabbing his hand as you two walk to the field

"Ah, so the couple finally arrives!" Sawamura yells, making you and Shirasu pull away from each other, knowing full well that a full day of teasing was going to come if they see you two even holding hands

"Sorry, we're late coach." You apologize to the coach before proceeding to join the others in the line

Once the coach gives you instructions, you all proceed to the areas in the field, some had to go to field B while some were allowed to stay in Field A

"(First name)!" Zono calls out as he runs toward you

"Oh, Zono!" You wave at him as he walks beside you, you two were given the task to help with the first string's training, while you were going to pitch for the fielders, Zono was going to act as a batter for the first-string pitchers

"Don't pull any pitches just cause you're pitching against your boyfriend." He crosses his arms, a knowing look on his face as you chuckle

"Don't get hit by a pitch, I heard Sawamura's pitches were still kind of unstable." You tease him as he freezes, already considering if he should wear his protective gear

"(First name)?" Shirasu approaches you as Zono smiles knowingly before saying goodbye to you and joining the ones who were supposed to be in the bullpen

"Yeah?" You smile at him, waiting for him to say something

"I'll be the first one to hit your pitch." He says, showing you his bat as you nod and walk towards the designated place for you and Shirasu

"Never thought Shirasu would ask me for a favor." Isashiki scratches the back of his neck, remembering how Shirasu asked him to change pitchers so he can be the one to bat against you

"I'll make sure to give you a good one!" You announce, to him as he smiles and chuckles, getting into his batting position as you get ready to pitch 

"I wonder if it was a good idea," Isashiki says, watching you and Shirasu just look so happy and comfortable with just batting and pitching for each other

"I never even considered relating romance to Baseball." He crosses his arms, he can't even date anybody for the past three years because of it, how the hell did you two make it seem so easy?

He clicks his tongue, "Oi! Give me a strong pitch, got that?!" He exclaims to his pitcher who nods, jumping slightly at Isashiki's loud voice 

"Don't be so bitter just because you don't have anybody." Ryousuke snickers beside him 


"Wah, that was a good practice." You say, stretching your arms as you and Shirasu rests, it was currently break time

"Nice pitching." He compliments you

"Thanks!" You beam, "I'll make sure to give stronger pitches after though!" You say with determination as Shirasu chuckles before he notices how much you were seating

"Hey, come here." He motions you to come closer as you follow, curious at why he was suddenly calling you

"You're sweating." He says, patting your face softly to remove the sweat and make sure that the towel doesn't hurt your face 

"Thanks," You say once he finishes

"Should we go to the food too?" You ask him as he nods before you two proceed to the managers who were handing out snacks to the others

"Here." He hands you the rice ball with your favorite filling before he grabs one himself, while you get water for the two of you

"Thanks." He smiles as you blush and look away, why did he have to look so good smiling up close? It was too much for your poor little heart

"Oi you two, that's enough! Focus on training right now!" Someone from the team yells at you two, making you turn redder 

"We're on a break though," You mumble under your breath as Shirasu chuckles beside you, hearing your comment


"What a long day." You rub your eyes while resting your head on your bedpost

You and Shirasu were currently doing your school work, it would have been a good bonding time with your boyfriend if you only didn't have to think about all the work you have to do on top of daily training

"Do you want to stop for today? We can continue tomorrow." Shirasu suggests, noticing the sleepy look on your face

"They'll probably give new projects." You pout, eyes already closing out of drowsiness

"It's okay, I'll help you with it." He reassures you, moving your head away from the hard bedpost to his shoulder

"Okay, thank you, Kenjiro." You mumble, snuggling closer to him as you finally let yourself rest

"Anything for you." You hear him whisper as you drift off to sleep

Shirasu waits for a few minutes before he feels you steadily breathing, he moves slowly so he can carry you to your bed so you can sleep comfortably 

"Good night." He whispers, smiling at how peaceful you look while sleeping before kissing your forehead and proceeding to clean up both of your school things that were on the floor

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