Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

5.6K 147 3


Hey there!

So this is the Miyuki X tsundere reader that was request by @Arissa-chen,
Arissa-Chen, I hope you enjoyed this along with all the readers!
I'm not sure if the reader is a tsundere enough, (I swear I tried my best) but if it isn't, I promise to try my best in the future
Again, thank you peeps for reading my oneshots and making it reach 5k reads! Thank you guys so much!
As my usual ending for the author's note, request are open! If anybody has a request please comment it and say if it will be fluff, angst, au's or others and a bit of an idea on how you guys want the story to be like!

Now onto the oneshot!!!

You grumble to yourself as you walk towards the baseball team's dormitory, not liking what you had to do one bit... well it is to help your boyfriend but still, you have plans you had to give up

"Idiot! I can't believe I have to give up my Friday night for this," You complain to yourself and found the room you were looking for

Miyuki Kazuya's room

"Well....here I go," you mumble before proceeding to knock on the door, and instantly hear a bang followed by someone cussing

"Hello?" You were about to knock again when the door opened, revealing Miyuki's face

"Hey there Prez," he grins making your cheeks flush red

"Go-good evening," you mutter, looking away to avoid having to stare at his face

"Shall we head inside?" He asks you, while you nodded, walking inside

Putting the books on his table, you sat on the chair infront of it, Miyuki sits on the chair beside yours making you feel conscious

"So what do we do?" He asks you

You motion for the stack of books you brought, Miyuki follows your hands and his eyes lands on the books, draining the color from his face


After an hour of studying, both of you decided to take a break

"Hey, (First name)-chan do you want anything?" He asks you but you merely paid attention to him and continued reading



Miyuki sighs as he watches you, who's too engrossed to the book

'I can't believe my competitor is a book,' he thinks to himself as an idea came in mind, "(Last name)~" he called once again but you did not prevail

You continued reading the next lessons when you feel an arm wrap around your waist

The act caught you by surprise, causing the text book to drop and change pages, you turned to look at your right, just to see Miyuki's face inches away from you

"I've been calling you multiple times you know~" he says teasingly, inching his face closer towards you

"Wha—What are you doing?!" You screech, feeling blood rush to your cheeks

"Aww is our prez blushing?" He teases, arms wrapping more tightly around yours

"Sto—stop it idiot!" You exclaim, pushing him off, the impact too hard, causing him to fall on his bed

"That was really embarrassing you know," you mumble, but he just grins and sits up

"Come on prez, why don't we stop studying?" He suggests making you give him a look

"And what exactly are we going to do?" You ask him but he just continued to smile at you

Suddenly he stands up and walked towards you, hauling you up from he chair, he carried you towards his bed and threw you into it, making your eyes widen

"He-Hey! What do you think you're—" you stopped talking when he lied beside you and placed an arm around you, pulling you on top of him

"Asshole! Let go—" you stopped short when you noticed his face inches away from yours... again

"Sshh (first name) just enjoy it," he hums, and laid properly, hugging you tighter

You sigh but you felt your heart beat pick up, something only this bastard can do

You laid your head on his chest and closed your eyes, your cheeks still red

"Hey (first name), I have a game this weekend...." Miyuki trails off, making you look at him

"Wha-What about it?" You asked, avoiding eye contact with him,

"Will you cheer for me?"

"Idiot! Why do you need cheering?! You have a whole battalion of fan girls for that," you deny, but Miyuki merely rolled his eyes and held you tighter

"You're different," he replies shortly

"Shu-shut up! Don't say such embarrassing things!" You answer but Miyuki, who was already used to your attitude made you turn your head to look at him

"I love you, (first name)," he says, pulling you up so your face could be closer to his

"I love you too," you mumble but Miyuki just blinks

"What?" He asks innocently but his grin said otherwise

You glare at him before smacking his chest, causing his to close his eyes in pain

"I said, I-I love you too! Asshole!" You finally give in making the latter smile

"I'm glad to hear," he says, closing the distance between the both of you

Your eyes widen as your lips touch his, but even though it came as a surprise, your eyes close and your arms wrapped around his neck

After a minute, both of you pull away, both catching your breath at the kiss,

"Stupid Kazuya, don't do that out of the blue," you mutter, your cheeks firing up, making the catcher chuckle

"You're such a tsundere, prez," he teases but started playing with your hair

"Shut-shut up," you mumble as you stifle a yawn, "bastard, you better be thankful I love you," you say under your breath as your eyes started to droop

But before you could go to dreamland, you heard Miyuki whisper something that caused a smile to make it's way to your lips

"I am, I am thankful,"

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