Seido Baseball Club X Reader 1

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Hello everyone!

Not really anything romantic (yet I guess?) but I'm planning to make a part two of this where well, the host club sorta happens

So, who do you want to see as a host? 👀 might take ideas here cause there's really tons of guys in the team

Well anyways, enjoy and stay safe!


"That's a stupid idea."

"No, it's not!" You argue with the whole team, "Come on! This team has so many good-looking guys! A host club will definitely be successful!"

"But..." You look at their faces, some were considering the idea, some were sure that you were pulling their legs but most of them were still reluctant

"Think of it!" You take a marker and push the whiteboard in front of all of them

"Is that necessary?" Isashiki yells out while you show him a motion to zip his mouth

"It is, 'cause you can't see the genius of the whole thing!" You say and start writing 'Seido Host Club' on top of the whiteboard with a red marker

"First of all, this team has tons of popular guys! We have Yuki our great captain, Chris who's won the most handsome in tons of polls!"

"We have polls like that?" Somebody asks out

"As expected of master!"

"Yeah, girls write down who they think is the most good-looking in this one notebook and then they'll tally it, and surprisingly Chris has won many times!"

"Congratulations." Yuki holds out a hand for a handshake as Chris sighs in exasperation

"But moving on!" You hit the whiteboard to catch their attention, it almost fell but thankfully you caught it before it could hit the ground


"...You did that cause you thought it made you look cool, didn't you?"

"Aside from the two, we also have Miyuki...who for some odd reason has a lot of fangirls...despite being a complete a-hole." You continue, ignoring their comments about your little accident


"Girls these days are hard to understand."

"Oi oi you speak like I'm not here." Miyuki sweatdrops

"Then!" You glare at them which causes them to close their mouths, "Kuramochi! You're not that popular with girls but guys definitely find you cool!" You give him a thumbs up

"Well, now we know why you don't have a girlfriend."

"Kuramochi, Don't worry. As long as you're alive there's still a chance."

"It's okay Kuramochi! Girls are scared of me too!" Zono tries to reassure him which just caused the other guys to laugh harder

"Oi, you wanna have a go?" Kuramochi growls as you wave your hands

"And Miyuki, you bastard you're laughing too hard!"

"What? At least people like you!" You point out

"Moving on, Haruichi lots of people find you cute!" You gush, "Which I agree to, by the way!"

"How come he gets a compliment!"


"And Furuya, people really like how you're all cool and that...honestly the number of girls who approached me because of you is uncanny...." You sweatdrop

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