Isashiki Jun X Reader

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You didn't know what happened, nor did you want to know how it happened. But as you stared at your short hair, beard, and muscular body, you were sure this body didn't belong to you

You sighed and looked down at your lower torso, wondering how you will release the liquid with your switched-up parts

"Auffhh I can't stop it anymore!" You exclaim, your voice deeper, not to mention louder than what you were used to


Isashiki looks at the mirror, his hand hovering on the breast that clearly wasn't his, he stared at the reflection, everything that was on the reflection looked nothing like him. From the face to the body. He wasn't able to stop himself from shouting out in surprise, shouting again because of the sudden pitch of his voice

"Oi! (First name) are you alright?" Your mother asks, knocking on the bathroom door

"(First name)? Who the hell is (first name)?!" Isashiki shouts, still staring at the reflection. He had to admit, you had the looks but still, this wasn't his body and he needs it to play baseball


You walked out of the bathroom, your cheeks tainted a dark shade of red because of what you had to do

"Jun, have you already taken a bath?" You found yourself asked by a bunch of third years from the baseball club

"Huh? Me? I'm not Jun?!" You say nervously, gulping as they gave you a weird look

"Hahaha, very funny Jun!" They laugh as they slap your back, making you lurch forward, "Come on, we still have morning training!" They start chatting as all of you walk


"(First name), are you alright?" Your mother asks making Isashiki growl

"(First name)? Who the hell is she?!" He asks angrily, remembering how awkward it was to take a bath with a pair of boobs and a female genital

"(First name), language," your father warns but Isashiki just growls catching your mother and father off guard


"Jun-san, are you alright?" You found yourself asked by Zono making you blush harder

This was too much for you, being surrounded by boys' naked bodies was something you have never and will never get used to, so every time a guy would walk in, you would avert your eyes, at first it was below, but you remembered you also currently have that member so in the end, you had to stare at the wall

"Huh? O-oh Yeah," you answered, breathing heavily not wanting to look at any of the baseball club members' physique

"Don't you think Jun-san's acting a bit weird?" You hear Kuramochi ask Ryosuke, making you choke

"Jun-san! Want me to scrub your back?!" A second-year asks you

"Oh-uh excuse me! I have to go!" You suddenly exclaim, hastily grabbing a towel and walking out

'Whew, That was tough,' You sigh, feeling relieved but that feeling didn't last long as you reached the locker room

"Jun, ready for morning training?" Yuki asks, his six-pack very much open for you to view


"(First name), do you know the answer to this question?" A teacher asks, making Isashiki heave a sigh

It was only morning and people were already asking him questions about school

"How am I suppose to know?" He grumbles making everybody in the room gasp


When classes started everybody was surprised that Isashiki, the baseball idiot was answering all the questions that the teacher kept on asking, even volunteering to answer on the board

"Is Isashiki-kun, alright?" You hear a female classmate ask

"Yeah yeah, he's also really quiet and acting a bit feminine, don't you think?" Another butt in.
It was lunchtime when you walk out of the locker room, but somebody stopped you

"Heya, (first name)" a girl that was unknown to Isashiki greets, grinning evilly

"What?" Isashiki asked but the girl just glares at her

"Where's my assignment?" She asks sweetly but Isashiki just growls

"How the hell am I supposed to know?! It's not mine, isn't it? It's yours!" He shouts angrily making (girl's name) eyes widen

"Oho, What is this?" She asks, grabbing your collar and pushing you against the locker, "You fighting now?" She taunts but Isahiki was having none of it, he wanted to play! He wants his body back!

"Let me go!" He shouts, punching (girl's name) and giving her a black eye


It was now time to go home, as you were walking down the halls, you keep on thinking about why this was happening to you, not looking where you were going causing you to accidentally knock into someone

"Watch where your going will ya?!" A feminine voice commands

"So-sorry," Isashiki suddenly heard a male voice apologize


"Is that me?!" Both of you exclaim together

"Why are you there?"

"Give me back my body!" Both of you exclaims together

"Wha-why are you inside me?" You ask Isashiki who scowls in return

"Why are you inside me?!" He asks loudly making you cringe

Suddenly both of you felt a weird sensation, it was like somebody was pulling your soul from your body

"Ow!" Both of you exclaimed as you both came back from your body

"My-my body!" You both shouted happily hugging yourselves leaving a first-year scared and running for his life

"Wait...does that mean..." you trailed off, blushing hard as you think about how he had to wash your body

"How about you?" He grumbles, also turning red as he also thought about how you washed his body


"How about..." Isashiki trailed off looking away from you

"How about we talk about it at dinner?" He muttered making you choke

"I-Uh-I..." You stuttered out as he waited for your response

"Su-sure," You stammered walking towards him who was waiting for you,


Hey guys! Another update, this one is an idea I was thinking about for a few weeks now, but I only decided to write it today

I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot! If you have any request please message or comment it!

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