Yuki Tetsuya X Chubby! Reader

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Hey guys!

So this is a Yuki X short chubby! reader requested by kuramxchi , kuramxchi thank you so much for requesting and reading my oneshots! Hopefully you enjoy this one!

Requests are open, if you guys have any please comment or message me with a bit of description on how you want it to be!

Before you read, can I just say the animation in dia no ace act 2 is amazing, they really did the characters in the manga justice

That's all onto the oneshot! Thank you for reading! I hope all of you enjoy it!


You peak through the lockers to see if anybody was there, once you can tell that there wasn't any person, you sigh in relief and walked out of your hiding spot and towards Yuki's locker to place the letter you made inside

"Oi Tetsu!" Isashiki's loud voice causes your eyes to widen as you hurry to your own locker

You open your locker door just as the third-year baseball players walk in

"What's that?" You hear Ryosuke ask as Yuki pulls out the letter that you just placed

"A letter?" Isashiki asks, reading the note beside Yuki

You blush as all of them huddle around Yuki to start reading the letter

"Oh! Nice one Tetsu!" Isashiki yells, as you quietly shut your locker door and walk toward the stairs

At the corner of his eyes, Yuki notices you walking off with a red face

'Was (Last name) the one that placed the letter?' He asks himself, feeling flustered all of a sudden

"Tetsu you alright?" Isashiki asks, making Yuki nod as a reply, turning his attention back to his friends

"Sorry—Oh never mind it's just you," A guy in your grade looks down at you and dusts off his shoulder for the nonexistent dirt

"Next time, look where you're going Ms.Piggy," He chuckles at your nickname and continues to walk away

"Well I'm sorry," You mutter, standing up and dusting your skirt

"Maybe if she loses weight, she'll actually be taller," You hear a girl whisper to her friend who starts giggling

"She looks like a middle schooler,"

"She must really love eating!"

"She's so small and fat!"

"No way! She's not my type!"

"Is she really a senior?"

You bite your lip, looking down at the ground, feeling your confidence sink, this was one of the many reasons you can never confess to Yuki, because of your body, everybody always teased you about your height and weight, causing your self-esteem to go down

You stare ahead, ignoring their whispers, and walk towards class 3-A

For the whole day, you remain silent, feeling anxious about the confession, when class finally ends, you could feel your stomach tighten as you walked out of the room and walk to the meeting place

'Okay, here I go!' You take a deep breath and walk towards Yuki who was waiting by a tree

"Hey, Yuki." You bow, making Yuki's eyes widen

'So it was (Last name)' The captain muses to himself, his cheeks turning pink as he watches you stand up straight and look up to him

'Come on (First name) We've been practicing this for so long!' You cheer on yourself mentally, opening your mouth to say something

"So-sorry to call you all of a-a sudden...but—" you stop mid-sentence, gulping as you try to find the right words to say

"I-I like you, Yuki." You manage to stammer out your confession, your chest feeling light all of a sudden

You sigh in relief and stared at him, feeling smaller than you already were

'Ha-has He always been this big? His emotionless face also isn't helping!' You bite the inside of your cheeks, your stomach dropping, thinking of the worst possible scenarios

"I-I know you probably won't return my feelings and—"

"I like you too." He suddenly says, making you halt from finishing your statement and stare at him with wide eyes

"What?" He asks, staring down at you who starts sweating and blushing like crazy

"Then—then would you be my boyfriend?!" You ask loudly your hands forming into fists, still caught up on what he said

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." He confirms calmly, his face still remaining stoic while you looked like you were being suffocated

You feel your body relax as your stomach starts doing backflips

Yuki's eyes widened when he saw tears rolling down your cheeks

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks you worriedly, "Was I supposed to say no?" He asks you innocently making you chuckle and wrap your arms around his waist tightly

The action left Yuki surprised, he looks around awkwardly, not knowing what he had to do

"No-nothing! You didn't do anything ...I-I just feel so happy," you sniff and hug him tighter

Yuki looks down at your small crying figure and lets out a small smile

You feel a hand wrap around your shoulder, pulling you closer as his other hand starts patting your head, making you smile through the tears

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