Kuramochi Youichi X Reader

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Hello everyone!
This wasn't a request but I will start updating with the requests, most likely next week!
Before reading, I should probably say that the first part is a bunch of guys trying to force the reader to come with them and if you're uncomfortable with it then please don't read it! The first and last sentence of that scene will be in bold  Since I'm also editing the other one shots, I should out trigger warnings on some that can be triggering. I'm sorry if I'm only adding the trigger warnings now!
Anyway, enjoy reading and stay safe!

It was an honest mistake. It really was.

It just so happened that a bunch of guys was trying to pull you to come with them, even though you keep on telling them that you weren't interested and you have plans. They wouldn't stop. Turns out, assholes like that are really around everywhere and they're even more annoying than any insects

So because of panic, you ended up telling a small lie

"I have a boyfriend!" You pull your hand away

The guy and his friends laugh, most likely seeing through your lie

"Come on sweetheart, that's not true." You grimace at the nickname. If it was some sensible guy then you wouldn't have minded but it was from a pervert and it scared you

"It's true! I really do have one! He's also really strong and he gets jealous easily!" You continue with your lie, you didn't even know where it came from, the words just come out themselves

"Really? Who then?" He leans down when he said that, causing you to smell his breath. If you weren't in your position, you would have gagged at the smell

"Uh...there he is!" You point at the first intimidating person you can see...which just so happens to be Kuramochi

"Him?" The guy snorts

"Yeah! Hey baby!" You call and run after Kuramochi

"Huh? Baby? What?" He asks in confusion as you grab his arm

"Come on, don't act like that! I'm sorry I was late for our date." You continue to act as he stares at you in confusion

"What da-" Kuramochi trails off when he feels how cold your hands were, not to mention they were shaking really badly too

"The guy looks confused, are you sure he's your boyfriend?" The guy even followed you, just how desperate were they?

Thankfully, Kuramochi managed to catch on after a few minutes

He glared at the guy and his group before removing his hand from your grip to wrap his arm around your shoulder

"What the hell do you punks want?" He asks, glaring at them as if he was ready to beat them up

"You think you can scare us, little boy?" The guy laughs, even getting close to Kuramochi's face as if he was challenging him

Kuramochi clicks his tongue, he promised he would leave his Yankee days behind and wouldn't get into fights, but this was a different situation

Suddenly the guy knelt over, you didn't even notice that Kuramochi already kicked him!

"Do you have any business with us, assholes?" Kuramochi turns his attention to the other guys who back away, scared they might be next

"Scram!" Soon enough the guys all run away, you watch them run for a few minutes before noticing your current situation with Kuramochi

"Sorry, they wouldn't leave me alone so I had to get help from someone." You apologize before moving away from him and rubbing the back of your neck

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