Furuya SatoruX Reader

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You breathe out, tapping the gift that you accidentally brought with you while swinging on the swings at the empty park, it was Christmas Eve, and most of the time you would spend this day with your boyfriend, Furuya. But currently, he's in Tokyo, training to get stronger

"What kind of school is that, that they wouldn't even let their players have breaks?" You mutter to yourself, looking around the Christmas-decorated park, feeling a wave of loneliness hit you,

Traditionally, you and Furuya would have spent this day together, going around and eating but he's in Tokyo and your parents didn't allow you to go to Tokyo

Your phone rang in your pocket, you got the phone and placed the speaker on your ear

"Hello?" You ask, not bothering to look at the caller I.D

"(First name)?" Furuya asked causing you to wake up from your daze

"Sat-Satoru!" You exclaimed, surprised to see that he called, especially with their winter camp currently happening

"So how's the winter camp, coming up?" You ask him, pushing a stray of hair back

"It's finished already," he replies shortly, making you chuckle,

'It's good to know that nothing has changed,' You smile, remembering how you would always have to start conversations when you two first met

"That's good to hear, I'm guessing you're really tired?" You asked him, your smile not leaving your face

"Very," he answers, as you could hear in his voice that he was exhausted

"Well, hopefully, your seniors don't ask you to do anything," you say

"Actually, about that..." he trails off, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as to why he would end the call so suddenly

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind, making you gasp in surprise

"(First name)," he mumbles, burrying his head on your neck, tickling you with his breath

"Satoru, what are you doing here?" You ask him surprised, turning around to face him

You felt your heart jump, excitement? Surprise? Happiness? You weren't even sure what you were feeling

"Well, we had a break, I went to your house earlier but your mom said that you went out... and so I went here," he explained with his calm voice making you smile

"Idiot! You could have told me so I could have picked you up!" You exclaim, hugging him tightly making the latter smile

"I've missed you, (first name)" he says, hugging you back

You both stayed in that position, then you remembered something,

"Oh yeah," You say, getting the gift from the swing and handing it to him, "It's not much, but I just thought that when you get back to Tokyo, you could always cuddle or look at it when you miss me," you say shyly, avoiding eye contact but he just smiles at your blushing face

"Thank you, (first name)," He says, getting something from his pocket

"Here," he says, now turning a bright shade of red as you  held the small box in your hand

"So, can I open it?" You ask excitedly, while he nods, also opening his gift while you unwrapped yours,

"Satoru!" You gasped, holding up the charm bracelet that he got

"It's not much but when I saw it, it reminded me of you," he explains, now hugging the stuffed polar bear that you got for him

"This is beautiful," you praise, while he took your wrist in his hand, placing the stuffed bear on the swing to put the bracelet on you

"There," He says, kissing your forehead

You roll your eyes, "that wasn't what I wanted, Satoru," you grin, standing on tippy toes and pecking his lips

As you were about to pull away, Furuya held your waist before pulling you closer, deepening the kiss than what you intended

After a minute, both of you pulls away, your forehead touching as both of you caught your breath, breathing heavily because of the simple yet passionate kiss that you shared

"I love you," you say, causing Furuya's lips to twitch up

"I love you too," he replies, once again pulling you for a small kiss

After walking around the park, both of you went to his house and spent the night watching movies and cuddling



I hope everybody's doing good and enjoying the season, maybe with families or friends but I hope you enjoy this day

This is a little one shot that I made for you guys and I hope you guys enjoyed it, though it's not that much good cause I'm really sleepy while writing this

Should I do more Christmas oneshots?

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