Seto Takuma X Reader 1

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Hey guys!
This was requested by Yyuridiar, there's going to be a part 2 next week!
I hope you all had fun during the holidays! And remember to stay safe! I'm not sure how it is in your place but the Covid cases here has been rising again 😭 and even I got a bit sick (although I'm already feeling better) so please make sure to take care of yourself!!
That's all, enjoy~

"You're sister's coming here to study?" Seto asks, surprised at the news as Okumura continues to run beside him

"Yeah, she's also coming as a manager." Okumura says, once again as if it was nothing

Seto continues alongside Okumura, it wasn't like he didn't know Okumura had a sister, he does! After all he and Okumura have been friends for a long time already

The thing is, he never got to talk to you even once, so he was pleasantly surprised to hear the news you actually do have an interest in Baseball

"When's she coming?" He asks as Okumura thinks about it for a moment

"Today, I think."

"You aren't going to greet your sister?" Seto asks but he already knows the answer. It wasn't like you and Okumura aren't close but the two of you were too independent to the point you two hardly says anything to each other

"No, she knows her way around here." Okumura replies simply as the coach calls them over

Seto looks around while Kataoka explains to the pitchers, Sawamura nodding along energetically with the coach

His eyes scans the surrounding as it finally lands onto your figure that was watching the team, face just as blank and serious as your brother

"Atleast there's a similarity between the siblings." He couldn't help but chuckle just as the coach calls for his attention


You walk around the place, it's been a week since you got introduced as the new manager for the team, of course you were still getting used to new environment, but thankfully your seniors were actually nice to you

"Senpai, are you looking for anyone?" You ask the familiar player that had his back turned on you as he seemed to be looking for somebody

Sawamura jumps in surprise before turning to face you, "So," He clears his throat, "You're wolf boy's little sister?" He asks, trying to sound serious

"Yes I am." You reply simply

"Woah, you're almost just like your brother." He muses out, circling around you, "You have the same aura, same disrespecting eyes and serious face!" He laughs

'Was he insulting me?' You wonder to yourself

"Sawamura-senpai, what do you need?" You ask as he grins sheepishly

"You're brother's a catcher right?"

"Yes, he is."

"Then can you also ca—"

"Sawamura-senpai, what are you doing?" Your brother's familiar voice asks from behind Sawamura

"Oh onii-chan." You wave at him as he nods at you

"That's all?!" Sawamura asks after a few minutes of silence

"You need to go back to the bullpen." Okumura scowls as Sawamura starts to argue with him

You look behind the two and saw Seto behind Okumura, ready to intervene once the two gets out of hand

You catch his eyes as he smiles and waves at you, you nod back at him before returning back to your responsibilities as a manager


"Hey Okumura junior!" Sawamura's loud voice calls out as you stop

'Was that supposed to be me?' You ask yourself and turn around to face him

"Do you need anything senpai?" You ask blankly

"You're really like your brother!" He laughs before placing an arm around you, "Does he have any weaknesses or anything he dislikes?" He asks discreetly, even looking around

You thought about it, your brother is the type to look like he dislikes a lot of things

"He doesn't like noisy people." You say after a minute, "But I guess not as much because he can put up with you Sawamura-senpai."

"Oi! Don't call me senpai if you're going to give me a backhanded compliment!" He whines as you recall the words you said to him, did any of those contain a compliment?

You sigh before making a move to leave him but he kept on following you

"(First name)?" Seto asks in surprise when you turned to a corner, "...And Sawamura-senpai..." He trails off

"Don't get the wrong idea, this guy's just following me cause me wanted to get dirt on my brother."

"No I don't!"

You give Seto a look which he understood almost immediately

Maybe it's because you're somehow alike your brother, who has been his friend for years, that he understands your expressions so well

"Do you want to play some video games in my room?" Seto asks as you nod slowly

Sawamura let out a gasp, "You're inviting your best friend's sister in your room!"

"To play games!" Seto adds as you nod

"Please don't expect us to do any of your dirty fantasies, senpai."

"I'm not!"


"How long was he following you?" Seto asks you, trying to make some kind of small talk with you. You're his best friend's sister but he hardly gets to talk to you, not to mention whenever they hang out it's either at Seto's house or the baseball field

"A few minutes." You reply simply

"Do you want me to take you to your dorm?" He asks you as you shake your head

"Even though he can be loud I don't wanna lie to him since he actually seems nice." You sigh, "So let's play games in your room." You nod at him as he leads you towards his dorm where thankfully nobody was around

Seto pushes some clothes lying on the floor to the side and motions for you to sit in front of the tv where there was a game console connected to it

You took a sit at Seto follows suit, leaving some space between the two of you

You look at the screen and back the console you were holding, confused on what you should do

"How do you play this?" You ask him as he pauses the game to teach you how the game works, thankfully you already know how to use the console and was just confused on the rules of the game

You listen to him explain the controls and the game you were about to play, even when you asked him about the characters he still explained them so well

You glance at him as he was talking, finally understanding why he and your brother just gets along so well

He's good at reading expressions and the overall mood of the room, he's patient and out of the two of them he's definitely the more responsible one...despite your brother looking like he is

You smile and return your attention to the screen where he was teaching you about one of the characters of the game, thankful that your brother has someone as great as Takuma for his friend

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