Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hey everyone!
This was requested by GojosLeftToeNail I hope you enjoy this~ I also really appreciate your comments on my oneshot, they're really fun to read 😂
There isn't much fluff but I hope everyone enjoys as well!

"(First name), did you come here to support us?" Mishima asks excitedly as you walk alongside your brother to Seidou's field A

"Huh? Yeah!" You laugh nervously as your brother rolls his eyes

"Liar." Sanada whispers as you kick him softly

"I did!" You say defensively as he just laughs

"Sure you didn't come for your boyfriend?" He raises his eyebrow as you blush and look away

"I mean—that's one of the reason—"

"That's probably the only reason," Sanada continues to tease you, causing you to scowl and punch his shoulder

"You make it sound as if I only watch Baseball because of him!"

"I never said anything like that." He points out, "I'm just saying, you always look more invested when he's playing."

"We...well..." You trail off, already feeling your face heat up, "I mean...have you seen Kazuya when he plays..." You mumble, as Sanada just laughs

"Oh they're here!" Sawamura's loud voice echoes as you follow his voice, expecting to see Miyuki with Sawamura but much to your disappointment he wasn't

"Oh he isn't here?" Sanada whispers as you punch his arm before pushing him away


You watch as they bow to each other, Miyuki going back to his team and barely giving you a glance

'Tsk that asshole.' You sulk, watching them play from the dugout, not happy that your boyfriend was hardly looking at you, even when you greeted him before the game started he didn't even greet you back!

Not to mention, whenever you look around you see girls shouting his name

It was his time to bat, you watch as he moves to the batter's box, finally he looks over to you and smiles coyly before positioning himself and getting ready to hit the pitch your brother was about to throw

He hits a homerun and you resist the urge to cheer

But you weren't able to contain yourself to wave at him when he passed by your side when he was running to the home base

But he just continued to run, your shoulders slump, before you remember that your boyfriend was currently in a game, so he really can't pay any attention to you

"God how self-centered am I?" You groan quietly as the coach turns to look at you

"You need to go to the bathroom? Make sure to bring your own tissue, alright? Not sure about the girls bathroom but the one for boys didn't have any." He reminds as you

"I don't think I needed that, but thanks for the info, coach."


"Hey Kazuya, nice work out there." You praise him after the game as he nods at you

"Thanks." He smiles gratefully as you beam

"So, are you doing anything after your training today cause I was thinking we should—"

"Miyuki-senpai," Furuya calls out as Miyuki sighs and apologizes to you before turning to face Furuya

"Catch for me later."

"You can't just expect me to—"

You jump back in surprise when you felt a strong sense of intensity from Furuya

"High school baseball players are scary." You sweatdrop, giving up as Miyuki continues his banter with the pitcher

"Someone's sulking~" Your brother grins as he walks beside you, "Want a hug from big bro?"

"Get a girlfriend so you can get a hug, you Baseball head idiot." You stuck your tongue out at him as he laughs

"Not interested in that."

"Then at least tell that to all those girls who confesses to you so they would stop bothering me!"

"Nope, it's more fun this way. Thanks sis," He continues to tease you as you retort back to his teasing

Miyuki turns around, expecting you to still be there but he was surprised to see you looking like you were ready to strangle your brother who was laughing

He chuckles, he was probably going to be listening to your rants later at night

"Oi Miyuki, Do you know them?" Kuramochi asks, stopping beside Miyuki as he follows his gaze towards you and Sanada, "She's cute." Kuramochi nods

Miyuki looks at Kuramochi who looks back at him, "What?" Kuramochi glares at the catcher as Miyuki smiles

"I don't think you're exactly her type." Miyuki says

"Repeat that you asshole!" Kuramochi challenges Miyuki who just laughs as Kuramochi shakes him

"How would you know what she likes? Hah?" He continues to make Miyuki talk but the latter just laughs, further annoying Kuramochi

You glare at your brother before hearing Miyuki's familiar laugh, turning around you saw him laughing while Kuramochi looks like he was ready to strangle Miyuki

'Kazuya definitely said something to annoy him.' You thought, already knowing your boyfriend's attitude, he just has that amazing ability to get on people's nerves


You stand along the players, tapping your foot as you wait for the players to finish talking to each other

"Thanks for today, let's see each other in the tournament." The coaches shake each other's hand

"I'll make sure you won't even get to hit my pitches!" Sawamura announces as he points at Raichi, who has that excited gleam in his eyes

"Next time we'll play each other, it would be in the Summer tournament." Sanada says to Miyuki and the other second years

"Ah, I look forward to it." Miyuki nods as they shake hands as Sanada leans in to whisper something to Miyuki

"Also, don't tease my sister too much okay? Your girlfriend's really hard to handle when she's upset." Sanada grins as he looks behind to see the other second years looking so surprise

"Girlfriend? Oi Miyuki, what the hell?" Kuramochi raises an eyebrow

"Miyuki a girlfriend?! Someone actually went out with you?!" Zono gasps in surprise

"Oops," Sanada says sheepishly, "Didn't know you were keeping it a secret, sorry." Sanada apologizes before running away, leaving Miyuki to handle the mess called his teammates

"Why do you look like you're in a hurry?" You ask Sanada who just smiles sheepishly

"What did you do?" You demand


"WHAT?! CAP YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH SANADA'S LITTLE SISTER?! THE ENEMY'S SISTER?!" Sawamura's loud voice echoes and soon the chatter around you turned to silence, as the Yakushi looks at you and Seidou players at Miyuki

"(First name), you're going out with that catcher?" Mishima gasps as you sigh and turn to your brother to glare at him

"You better be thankful you're a blood relative or else you won't even be standing right now." You say as the other players start flooding you with questions, leaving you just as stressed as Miyuki

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