Hongo Masamune X Reader

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This was requested by  loverxs_yams23, thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
I'll also probably open the requests next week? I'm done with all the requests so I'll probably include the announcement in next weeks' update!
Enjoy reading and stay safe!!

"Masa, why do you look so angry?" You ask your boyfriend before standing in front of him and motioning for him to lean down so you can reach him

You massage the area between his eyebrows to relax his eyebrows that were furrowed

"They might try something." He grumbles as you laugh at his childishness

"For someone who has gotten the championship title with those people, you really don't trust them that much, don't you?" You chuckle and ruffle his hair as he grumbles but doesn't stop you

"Baseball and this are two different things." He informs you. It was true, he trusts them with Baseball but he was worried to introduce his partner to them. They might say something, especially the coach. Worse case scenario is that they form a crush on you

"Alright, I think I have an idea on why you're so worried about this, but seriously you have nothing to worry about." You rub the back of his hand

He was still reluctant but soon he agrees with you

Since he ran to you once they finished the game (Completely disregarding the coach's order to stay) the team were now starting to pack up and getting ready to go back to school

"You didn't help them?" You ask in amusement as you stare at your boyfriend who looks away from you, the usual frown on his face present

"They can handle it." He answers shortly as you sigh and lightly hits his arm

"Masamune," Renji falls out, spotting his friend

You wave at him and pull your boyfriend, who was ignoring them as a whole, towards the team

"I see, so you're the reason he suddenly left." Renji comments as soon as you and Masamune reach them

"I wasn't expecting him to do that either." You sigh, one hand still wrapped around his arm. Something that the team didn't fail to notice

"So you ran off to see your girlfriend despite my orders?" Masamune's body visibly tenses as a scary look takes over his face at the sight of his coach

"Good afternoon sir. Sorry that Masamune suddenly ran off like that." You apologize, tightening your grip on Masamune in case he lashes out on the coach. As far as you knew, Masamune really hates his coach and you first-hand witnessed how hard he tries, or his teammates, try to calm him down whenever the coach says something

"So you're having your girlfriend talk for you now?" Coach Nitta crosses his arms

"Her name's (First name)." Masamune continues to glare at him

"Well nice to meet you, I hope you remain patient with him." He says shortly before walking to the bus

"Asshole." You hear Masamune mutter, well the coach is quite cold but in the end he was helping Masamune continue to become a better pitcher so you figured that he shouldn't be that bad of a person your boyfriend makes him out to be

"So you're Hongo's girlfriend, it's nice to meet you." Their captain, Nishi Hideo greets you

"It's also nice to officially meet you." You shake his hands

Masamune eyes the little gesture, he trusts you. Of course he does. He just doesn't want his captain to get any other idea and prolong the interaction

You talk to his other teammates while Masamune stands beside you, looking like some sort of guard dog with the way he was glaring at his teammates. It was a good thing you managed to convince him to drop the scary look...but Masamune was Masamune and no matter how hard you try, he will always have that intimidating look on his face

"I don't think we need the introductions?" Renji asks once everybody entered the bus

"Nope, I know you already after all." You smile as he nods and looks at your boyfriend before going in the bus

"You should follow soon, the coach wouldn't be happy if we stay for another ten minutes." He tells Masamune who scowls

"You should go." You tap his arm but he frowns at you

"How about you?"

"I'll probably go back with my friend," You reassure him as he looks at you worriedly

"I'll see you back at school, okay? Love you." You kiss his cheek, which immediately calms him down that he even offers you a small smile

"I'll see you there too." He says, "And uh...Love you too..." He mumbles, obviously embarrassed before he kisses your forehead before entering the bus, ignoring whoever was scolding him for taking such a long time

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