Miyuki Kazuya X Reader X Kuramochi Youchi

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Hello everyone~

This was requested by @nethnethhakdog07 I hope I got the request right! And I decided the other guy to be Kuramochi, I hope that's also alright!
You're really sweet💕 and this was really fun to write! So I hope you're still reading this book cause this request was such a long time ago 😭💀

Stay safe and enjoy~


You love Miyuki, even as children in the same senior league, he has always caught your eye

Sure, at first he may have tried to push you away but soon your one-sided friendship became mutual and you two became closer than ever, but still, you knew that those lingering touches and affectionate looks you give him meant you love him more than a friend

Fast forward and now you were in Highschool, you followed Miyuki to Seido and applied as a manager for the baseball team, your first year on the team was great, and you've met many great people both in the team and in your class

"Go out with me," Those four words were what you said to Miyuki in the Summer of your first year

Miyuki was caught off guard, of course, he noticed how differently you acted with him than anybody else but he just wanted to deny to himself that what you're feeling for him is more than friends

"Ah..." he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, he honestly didn't know how to reply, if you were a stranger then he wouldn't mind being straight with you, but no, you're his childhood friend and the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt

Looking at your eyes which held expectations, he couldn't think of any other answer than, "Okay."

You smiled so widely that he himself couldn't help but smile back, but still, at the back of his head there was something nagging him


"Ah, Mochi!" You exclaim, plopping beside Kuramochi and stealing the soda he just opened, "Do you think anything's wrong with Kazuya? He's been really quiet lately." You frown

It's been a year since you and Miyuki started to date, as much as you hate to admit it, but hardly anything has changed, the only thing that went different is that you could call him your boyfriend and kiss his cheek, he hardly even let you kiss his lips!

Kuramochi takes his eyes from the game to look at you and clicks his tongue, 'I really wanna say it but I can't.' He mentally sighs

"Mah, maybe he's just tired, the first years do keep on pestering him." Kuramochi laughs

You gasp, "You are absolutely right Mochi!" You say as you stand up, "Those two first-year pitchers are stealing my evening time with Kazuya!" You exclaim, running towards the door

"Oi give me back my soda!" He yells after you but you were long gone, Kuramochi clicks his tongue but smiles nonetheless

"Kazuya!" You exclaim, entering his surprisingly empty bedroom, "Oh, the third years aren't here yet?" You ask, sitting on his bed and smiling up at him

"They're still doing batting exercise," He says barely glancing at you

You pout, you knew what you were going to get into when you confessed to Miyuki, that baseball will be his first priority along with you

"Ka-zu-ya!" You call out


"Let's cuddle?" You ask, holding up his blanket as he sighs and returns his attention to the scorebook

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