Todoroki Raichi X Blind! Reader

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Hi hi!

To be honest I don't know if this turned out how you wanted it @Cynthia090 😓 and it actually took me 8 months o actually be able to write it, so sorry about that but here it is...?

Before anything thank you for the 93.9k reads! It makes me happy to know how far this book has gone 😊 Thank you also for your requests, votes and comments they really make my day!

Alright, that's all. Everyone please stay safe and enjoy reading~

"Raichi!" Raichi hears your voice call out as he sits on the bench in a nearby park

Raichi's eyes widens upon seeing your running figure, immediately standing up and running towards you to make sure you didn't fall over

"Ah ha sorry, I got excited." You laugh, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly

"Here you go." Raichi hands you your walking stick as he leads you towards the bench so that you could sit

"How's training?" You ask as soon as both of you sits down

Raichi's eyes widen in excitement as he smiles and tells you about everything that's been happening with him. How they won this practice game, how cool this pitch was and his cool senior

You smile along with Raichi as he tells you about his Baseball life

"And he ran to the base and bam!" He finishes, still smiling excitedly

"You seem really happy." You giggle, feeling the enthusiasm around your friend

"If only I could see your smile." You didn't mean to say that, specially if you knew that it would break his enthusiasm. But you couldn't help it. The thought always made you sad

"I-I mean—" You stammer, wanting to bring back the aura earlier before you blurt out that little statement

"The field we play in is good." Raichi cuts you off, "It's a large green field that has a mound in the middle... a mound is something smaller than a...than a hill and that's where the pitcher throws his pitches..." Raichi describes the field, the players and how they moved

Raichi stops for a moment and looks at you who was smiling brightly. Raichi beams, He was glad that you got what he was saying even if he was bad in describing

"Thanks for spending the day with me, Raichi. Even though you should be resting," You chuckle nervously

"I-I don't mind spending time with you (First name)." He says so quietly that you almost didn't hear him

Thankfully, after years of relying on your other senses, you managed to sharpen them and got what he said, because of his little statement, you feel your stomach flutter

"We should go, (Mother's name)-san might be waiting." He guides you by grabbing your hand and pulling you

You felt that his hands were calloused, you smile softly to yourself at the thought of Raichi doing his best in Baseball

You were still walking towards your mother but you pul his hand to stop him from walking

"Did you need anything?" He asks, worried that he might have accidentally hurt you, but you just touch his face, looking for the scar on his cheek

Raichi blinks in confusion as you pat his face, his whole body heating up at your actions

Once you found the scar, you lean in, making Raichi stand frozen in his place, and place a soft kiss on his cheek

"Thanks Rai-chan, you've always been on my side. Thank you." You smile sweetly at him and Raichi's face burns

For once, Raichi was thankful that you didn't see his face

"(First name), Raichi-kun!" You both hear your mother call

You feel your face flush, you were sure you were still in the park since you didn't walk that long

"Jeez, I was waiting for you, you know." Your mother scolds you, "I went inside the park to look for you and luckily I saw you." She sighs in relief

"Thank you for spending the day with (First name), Raichi-kun." Raichi nods at your mother who smiles gently at him

"We'll go to one of your games, alright?" She pats Raichi's hair while the latter just nods once more and watches the two of you leave

"Bye bye Raichi!" You yell at him

"So that kiss." (Mother's name) begins once you were both inside the car

"I'm not saying anything." You quickly cut the conversation short

"Hey I'm just saying, Raichi-kun's a good kid who you've been friends with for a long time. Maybe you should let him know about your feelings." She says but you huff, starting to play with your fingers

'I...I don't want to be a burden to him,' You think to yourself, 'More than I already am..' 

Raichi watches as the two of you got into the car and (Mother's name) waves at him goodbye. Once they were gone, Raichi touches the spot you kissed, a large smile breaking into his face as he remembers how it felt

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