
717 24 55

Requests are closed

Hi everyone!

We just reached 100 parts for this oneshot book and I already managed to watch the anime (Although I haven't really caught up with the manga) so I guess I just wanna announce this

I'm accepting requests for the Act 2 characters, There's already a few oneshots with them but I thought I should announce either way

I'm accepting request for


•Okumura Koshu

•Seto Takuma

•Yuki Masashi

•Asada Hirofumi

•Yui Kaoru

•Kuki Yohei

Other teams

•Hongō Masamune

•Tadano Itsuki

•Amahisa Kosei

-and other characters who have any decent backstory/information about them to be honest, and even those from the season 2 of the anime!

On the other note, this book has finally reached 100!! (105 if we add this one) and to everybody who's still reading this active suddenly inactive book then thank you so much! I plan on atleast keeping this active (and when I do have too much work hopefully I make an author's note) so feel free to request, I managed to finish a lot of request so there's only 1 left for me to write!

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