Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 2

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You listen to your teacher who was in front, even taking notes so you could study later

Suddenly you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, stealing a glance in front and seeing your teacher still facing the blackboard, you whip out your phone to see that Carlos messaged you

From: Carlos
To: (First name) 🌸💕

Wanna eat lunch together? I got some food from my dad's restaurant

You feel your lips twitch up, Yes the two of you exchanged numbers and yes you two might have been hanging out a lot lately

From: (First name) 🌸💕
To: Carlos

Sure, should we go to the rooftop?

You bite your lip both in fear of getting caught texting in class and worry—not that Carlos is anybody you didn't trust, the only problem you had was that he insisted on eating with the team—and not that they're bad people it's just that they're really well known throughout the school and you weren't really fond of eating as people glared daggers at your back

From: Carlos
To: (First name)🌸💕

Sure, if that's what you want...see you later sweetheart 💕

You felt your cheeks heat up at his little pet name, you had to stop yourself from smiling since the teacher returns his attention back to the class

'Now, how am I supposed to focus?' You ask yourself, unknowingly doodling on your notebook

Carlos wasn't doing any better, aside from getting called out in front of the whole class, he was also asked to solve a question he didn't know the answer to which led to him getting scolded by their teacher

He grins sheepishly as he returns to his seat, his mind not even on the class and rather on your lunch date, he wasn't even sure he could call it that but he wants to

That wasn't even the only thing, he also wanted to put on some cute nickname as your caller ID on his phone but since you two still aren't going out, he had no choice but to stick with the emojis for the time being


"Is it good?" He asks as you chew the food he gave you

"Yeah! This tastes great!" You eat another handful before noticing that Carlos was staring at you

"Um...sorry." You mumble, covering your mouth as you chew the food

"For what?"

"For eating like a slob?" You ask, also confused but he just laughs lightly

"But I thought you looked cute with your cheeks all puffed up—like a small squirrel." He compliments and even though you were compared to a rodent, you couldn't help but blush, he really did have that effect on you

"You always say that." You sigh


"That...you know...I'm cute." You mumble

"Because it's true!" He nods, taking a spoonful of food before placing it in front of your lips

You were about to open your mouth when the rooftop doors opens and a bunch of first-years comes in

You looked to the side, completely missing the way Carlos frowns as he places down the spoon, wondering if you were just shy or you disliked being seen with him



"You still won't give up?" Shirakawa asks with an annoyed tone, staring up from his homework and looking at Carlos

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