Sawamura Eijun X Reader

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"Ei-chan come here!" You open your arms as Sawamura's eyes brightens as he jumps into your arms

"Thanks (Nickname)-chan!" He beams, snuggling closer to you as you hum before playing with his hair

Sawamura closes his eyes at the relaxing feeling of your fingers going through his hair, with how tough their training was, he was sure he could fall asleep in your arms

"Eh~ So are you two going out?" Ryousuke breaks the silence in the room as Sawamura's eyes widens

"Bakamura, stop the pda in my room will you?" Miyuki follows as he removes his gaze from the shogi board, "Do that in your own room."

"We don't want it there either." Kuramochi scowls, following behind Ryousuke who just entered the room

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" You and Sawamura exclaim in sync

"So you aren't dating?" Ryousuke smirks at yours and Sawamura's red face


"Me? Ei-chan? We're...!!"

"WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" You and Sawamura announce once again at the same time

"You two are idiots." Isashiki calls out as he looks up from his manga, "The biggest idiots I know!"

"You two are idiots." Yuki nods along with his friend, giving you two a glance before sighing and returning to his game of shogi

"Wha-what gives you that idea?" You demand

"Yeah, that's right!" Sawamura follows and you swear everyone in the room collectively sighs and rolls their eyes

"YOU TWO ARE CUDDLING RIGHT NOW!" Isashiki yells as if it was the most obvious answer

"Friends cuddle!" You argue

"Beard-senpai, you just probably think that 'cause you've never had a girlfriend!" Sawamura quipped before being locked in a head lock


"You two always talk to each other." Miyuki point out

"Senpai, if your basis for a relationship is that then it means you and Mochi-senpai are also going out." You nod as Miyuki sighs and massaging his temple

"You two look red every time we mention you two dating," Ryousuke says as both you and Sawamura turn to him


"Hyahahaha you two are seriously idiots!" Kuramochi laughs, "Ryou-san just give it up! They probably won't notice their feelings until we're all gone!"

"Jeez, you guys-!" You huff before returning your attention to the television

'I-I wasn't too obvious, was I?' You gulp as you steal a glance at Sawamura who was still in Isashiki's stronghold and let out a quiet giggle at his adorable expression

"Ow beard-senpai!" Sawamura whines

'Uwa is (Nickname)-chan angry?!' Sawamura panics, 'Did she notice it? Will she avoid me? Noo!' Sawamura turns to you and sees that you were watching the television, now wrapped in a blanket

"Cute," He mumbles before letting out a pained scream

"Senpai your hold is getting more painful!"

"That's because you're an idiot! Idiot!"

"Why am I an idiot!" Sawamura asks out

"Because you are! And you too (Last name)!" You straighten out at the mention of your name

"Why am I also an idiot? I pass all my exams know!" You stammer as everyone in the room collectively groans

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