Narumiya Mei X Reader

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Okay so I suddenly got this idea for a oneshot and was motivated to write, which is surprising cause I'm a really lazy person

But here it is, he prince, the ace of the team that caused the ~spoiler~ lost of Seido and first guy that wanted Miyuki Kazuya


It was early in the morning, and you were still laying in bed, it was how you often wanted to spend your Saturday, yet sadly not everybody gets what they want

"(First name)-chan, stop moving." Narumiya, your boyfriend, groaned and pulled you closer against his chest

"Mei, we should get going. The coach will scold me if we get late again" you sighed but your stubborn boyfriend just scoffed and continued to slumber, his arms still wrapped around your waist

"Fine, if you don't want to get up, let me." you suggested, trying to stand up

"Nooooo, (first name)-chan stay!" he whined, wrapping his arms around you again and pulling you down

"Mei, we can't run late again," You grumbled

"I'll talk to Masa-san."

"That's not the point."

"I'll talk to the coach."

"I swear, Mei if you don't let go I'll use a damn bat to knock you out unconscious," you swore but Narumiya barely gave you a glance

"(First name)-chan wouldn't do that," he hummed against the pillow

"And how can you be so sure?" You asked, challenging him, still struggling to get out of bed

"Because (first name)-chan loves me," he replied cheekily, now pulling you on top of him

"Hey, (first name)-chan." he grinned when he saw your flustered expression

"Mei, let go or I will—"

He stopped your curses with a sweet short kiss

"Ugh, Mei you haven't brushed your teeth!" You whined but he just ignored you and snuggled closer to your chest

"Oi, What are you doing?!" You exclaimed, embarrassed about where he was

"I'm cuddling (first name)-chan," he replied shortly

"But we have to— you know what, forget it. If the coach gets angry it's all on you," you said, giving up on trying to get up, instead, pushing Mei's head away from your chest you laid on top of him while he rubbed circles around your back

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