Yuki Tetsuya X Reader

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Yuki watches his players run around the field as the managers all do their best to give the players' needs

"Coach, Inashiro agreed for the practice game this Friday." Hina, the team adviser says to Yuki who nods and thanks her for her hard work

Yuki wasn't a high school student anymore, he went to college, got a degree, was under Coach Kataoka as an assistant coach for 6 years, fell in love, got married and—

"Daddy!" Yuki hears a small voice shout from the fence, he turns his attention from the team towards the voice to see his six-year-old daughter waving at him enthusiastically while coach Kataoka was behind her, holding her school bag

Yuki smiles softly as (Daughter's name) skips towards him while coach Kataoka follows, coach Kataoka, after hearing the news about Yuki, instantly reaches out to Yuki and acted like (Daughter's name) grandfather. Which surprised the team, never did they think a small girl could make the old man soft

But it wasn't only the coach who helped him, the team follows suit, Isashiki's (Daughter's name)'s godfather and he always makes sure to visit them during his day offs along with the other former third years, Kuramochi along with Miyuki and Zono would try to set a date so they could play with her while Shirasu and Nori would read with her when they would visit, Haruichi who Yuki trusted the most in the trio, and he made sure that when the other two insisted they babysit (Daughter's name), Haruichi would be there. He didn't want the same incident where the whole kitchen was a mess and they lost a week's worth of groceries to happen again

"Coach," Yuki bows when they reach him, (Daughter's name) immediately tackles Yuki in a hug

Yuki chuckles and picks up (Daughter's name) who smile at him

"Daddy I wanna play too!" She insists, pointing at the players but Yuki just shakes his head at her, causing the latter to pout while Kataoka picks up her hat

"Grandpa Oka, let's go to Hira-chan!" (Daughter's name) wiggles her way out of her father's and grabs Kataoka's hand and drags him away

"Wait a mi—"

"See you later daddy, love you!" She exclaims while Kataoka was still struggling to keep up with her

Yuki continues to smile as he watches her, remembering your bright smile


It was nighttime, and by the time afternoon training ended, Kataoka immediately hands (Daughter's name) to Yuki and left to go home. By now, (Daughter's name) was with the players, most likely pulling them to play with her

Yuki closes his eyes as he rested his head on the couch in his office, (Daughter's name) birthday was coming up and so was your death anniversary 

Yuki still remembered everything too clearly, how he met you, your dates, his proposal, your wedding, and when you announced your pregnancy

He was ecstatic upon finding out that he was to be a father, he started visualizing how his family with you would look like, you two would have a big and happy family filled with love and laughter, and you would both watch your kids grow up and grow old together, was what he had in mind. But as the doctor walked out of the room, looking grim after you had given birth, giving him the news, he felt his world shatter

It turns out those dreams weren't possible

Yuki thought he wouldn't be a good father and that maybe he can't raise (Daughter's name) properly without you, but as he saw his daughter for the first time, he felt his heart swell with happiness, maybe he could try. He could try cherishing his daughter, the proof of your love

Yuki tries his best, of course, his friends helps him and he had a few slip-ups but she was still there, happy and safe and that was what mattered to him the most

"—addy," Yuki wakes up, seeing her curious eyes peeking at him, "You're awake!" She rejoices upon seeing Yuki's eyes open and showing him the baseball ball that Sawamura gave her

"Me and the others played baseball, I'll show Uncles what I can do the next time they visit!" She announces excitedly, sitting on Yuki's lap

She looks up to her father and lays her head on his chest and starts telling stories, about how she managed to prove to her classmates that she could throw and where she and Kataoka went to eat and how the cake tasted extremely good. While she was telling stories, her eyes started to drop until Yuki only heard her breathing softly while holding onto him

Yuki smiles and pats her hair, his heart filling up with love for his daughter.

He stands up, carrying (Daughter's name) and her bag, ready to go home


"Uncle Eijun, watch!" (Daughter's name) exclaims while Miyuki, who she managed to persuade to catch for her, waits for her pitch

"U-shoooo!" She exclaims and throws the ball, which despite the power she put out, still went weakly towards the mitt

"How was it?" She jumps excitedly, waiting for her uncles' opinion

"That was amazing, (Daughter's name)-chan!" Sawamura exclaims and picks up (Daughter's name) while she giggles merrily

"Oi Sawamura, make sure you don't drop her!" Isashiki yells, walking towards the small group

"Uncle!" (Daughter's name) yells and jumped onto Masuko's stomach

"Hello, (Daughter's name)." Nori greets her while her eyes shine and start hugging her uncle

"Did you learn how to pitch?" Chris asks her, kneeling so she could reach him

"Yeah, yeah!" She jumps and points at Miyuki, "Ask Uncle Kazu!"

Yuki watches as she pulls Miyuki to catch again, a smile laying on his lips

His finger finds its way to his wedding ring, all is well

I don't know why but imagining Kataoka act as a grandfather really makes me happy 😋 so sorry if he was a bit OOC... well I think most of them are... I need to rewatch Ace of Diamond but watching that game against Inashiro is sure to make me tear up again

I have a few other stories in my drafts that I'll be publishing, it's been in there for months because, well, I forgot I had finished stories in my drafts 😓 and I haven't edited it yet

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story and sorry if the characters seem a bit off? Not to mention the mistakes in the story...I've been saying sorry in the past chapters way to much, Sakurai effect 😆

But anyways, see you again next update bye bye~!

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