Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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Hi everyone~

This was requested by @qwack_quwack_bihtch and I hope I did the request right! And that you liked this!

Stay safe and enjoy~

"So it seems like you now have a disciple," You muse out as you and Chris walk towards the training center where Animal was already waiting

Chris sighs, making you snicker at his reaction. You didn't know whether to feel bad for Chris for having someone so enthusiastic following him around but you really can't deny that you like the kid and it's amusing seeing Chris finally start to have life in his eyes again

"Come on! The kid's nice!" You nudge his side

"You probably talked to him already, haven't you?"

"I did! I even gave him your number." You laugh when he whips his head so fastly in your direction, "Come on! Even you admit that he's a good kid!"

"Well, it isn't like he's bombarding me with messages," He sighs and soon silence engulfs you two

"You know, you don't always have to come with me, right?" He asks after a few minutes

"You know, I do this because I want to right?" You stare up at him, "So don't look guilty 'cause this is my choice."

"You could be studying instead," He points out as you groan

"I'd rather watch you lift those weights than read another textbook." You scoff, missing the way Chris' ears turned pink, you really did have the tendency to say things that could make him flustered

"...Although I wouldn't mind it if you studied with me," You mumble as Chris chuckles and pats your head

"Should we head to the library afterward then?"

"No!" You whine, "Let's go to the field, I also wouldn't mind watching you catch." You grin at him cheekily, enjoying the sight of a flustered Chris

Suddenly his phone vibrates

From: 0xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Chris
Good luck master 😤😤😤😤😤

You burst out laughing when Chris looks at you like you just betrayed him

"So you're telling me that you're still catching for him?" You ask him through the phone

"Yeah, I might stop after ten more pitches though," Chris replies as Sawamura calls out to him, the other players who were in the indoor training area had to shut him up so Chris could continue to talk to you

"Sawamura!" Kanemaru shut his mouth, "That's (Last name)-senpai!"

"Oh aren't they always together already?"

"You really don't know anything do you?!"

"Then I should've stayed with you!" You whine as Chris chuckles, "Whatever, just make sure that you don't push yourself and you need to rest afterward, okay?" You remind him as Chris hums, ending the call once you bid goodbye

"Master, is (Last name)-senpai your girlfriend?" Sawamura asks after Chris orders him to cool down

"Huh? Not really..." He says quietly as the others drop their bat

"Are you sayin' you still haven't asked her out?!" Isashiki basically exclaims

"Seriously, I thought they were a couple." Kanemaru scratches his head, remembering all the late night calls and the number of times you hang out in their room

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