Yuki Tetsuya X Reader

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A little cute captain Yuki fic...also the kid's name is Takeru


"Tetsu...please don't glare at the child." You sweatdrop as you watch your boyfriend look at the little boy who was peacefully resting on top of your chest

Yuki has never disliked a child if anything he likes them a lot that in the future he wants to have some with you, but this kid was different. He didn't know if it was the fact that the little guy kept on showing you wedding gown for yours and his (the kid's) wedding, or when the little brat kept on kissing your cheeks (Yuki swore the kid kept looking at him as if he was saying 'I get more kisses from her!') or the fact that when he was trying to hold your hand, Takeru suddenly grabbed it before pulling you away from Yuki

"He's taking advantage of you." He crosses his arms, his frown deepening when Takeru looks up at him and gives him a smug look before returning to snuggling on your chest

"(First name)-chan's so warm!" The little boy giggles as you chuckle and look down on him

"Are you okay? Do you want to go down now?"

"Nope!" He grins, "I like it here, it's soft and warm and comfortable!"

"Alright fine," You chuckle while Takeru looks at Yuki and sticks out his tongue

Yuki's aura suddenly flares that even you were surprised

"Tetsu," You start in a warning tone and you noticed him pout at you and give you his puppy dog eyes (Where he learned it, you never knew)

"Jeez, I can't even get angry with you." You whine, "But please don't scare the kid!" You softly hit his arm which he pouts at

"That's not a kid," He mutters as you sigh and give him a look

"Fine...I'll be nice," He mumbles as the kid mocks him when you weren't looking

"Good," You nod and lean towards him, "Thanks Tetsu." You smile after kissing his cheeks

Yuki feels himself smile as he looks at the kid, annoying Takeru when Yuki looks at him smugly

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