Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader

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This was requested by ReadingSwirls, hope you like it~
Anyways enjoy and stay safe!!

You walk out the airport, pulling your baggage behind you as you look around the place for your boyfriend

You highly doubt that he would be screaming your name, that's extremely unlike him after all

"Yuu!" You yell out excitedly as he waves at you while you hurriedly pull your luggage towards him

"I missed you!" You squeal before jumping into his arms, causing him to wrap his arms around you in return

"How was the flight?" He asks once he puts you down

"Tiring." You pout before letting out a yawn, "You would think sitting for atleast 10 hours would give me enough rest." You say as he chuckles and messes with your hair

"Come on, I'll take you home so you can rest." He says, getting your luggage from you before grabbing your hands

"Can you drive?" You ask him upon reaching the parking lot but he shakes his head

"I had to call someone to drive us to your place." He sighs and before you knew it, you already heard his father's voice calling out to you loudly

"Animal-san!" You greet his father happily

"You're back! Finally!" He laughs, "Yuu will finally stop being so down!"

"Dad..." Chris sighs while you and Animal talk

Chris just follows behind you and his father who was now telling you to call him 'dad' instead of Animal


"How do I look?" You ask, posing in front of Chris while wearing the Seidou uniform

"You look beautiful." He compliments you causing you to beam

"I wonder how it will go on Monday," You thought out loud, "I mean—I'm going there in the middle of a school year, will I be able to make friends?" You ask him, tone turning worried

Chris stands up from sitting on your bed and walks towards you to kiss your head, "Believe me, you're going to make a lot of friends there." He reassures you

It was highly unlikely that you wouldn't. You're friendly and almost everybody ends up liking you...besides, even if you don't, the other third years in the team are extremely fond of you

"Well whatever, I'll be with you anyways." You say before going back to your bathroom to change clothes

Chris chuckles before going to the kitchen in your apartment, already getting ready for dinner


"Master, why were you gone yesterday?" Sawamura asks Chris the next day just as Chris goes out the bathroom

"I was somewhere." He says shortly

"Are you keeping secrets master? Want to tell me?" Sawamura asks, leaning close to Chris but sadly Kuramochi caught him and kicked him

"Ow! Kuramochi-senpai, I'm not even wearing pants yet!" He whines

"Don't annoy your seniors, Bakamura." Kuramochi scolds the first year

"But you were also wondering where Chris-senpai—"

"Shut up!"

Chris shakes his head before leaving the two to change clothes

"Is she here already?" Yuki asks just as Chris gets his clothes from he locker

"Yeah, But she's resting and getting used to the change in her environment, so she's most likely to come here by next week." Chris answers Yuki who nods and puts on his uniform

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