Kominato Ryousuke X Reader

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Hello everyone!! I hope you're all having a good day~ even though it is Monday
This was requested by arduoucity thank you so much for sending in a request!
Enjoy and stay safe~

"You're Kazuya's friends? I'm (Last name) (First name), nice to meet you!" You greet the other second years who surrounded you and Miyuki


"I thought they were dating!" Zono rubs his head

"You did? Sorry but cousin or not, he's the last person I would consider dating." You smile before pointing at Miyuki who just sighs

'That smile, somehow I get a feeling I already saw that from someone." Kuramochi unconsciously shudders, trying to remember who had that kind of smile, the kind where it seems harmless but you just get that feeling like something bad's going to happen or they said something bad and tried to play it off with a smile

"Anyway, you're on the baseball team, right? I'm not as a big of a baseball idiot my cousin is but I hope we get along."

"Oi, who do you think you're calling an idiot?" Miyuki asks, but you just ignored him and continued talking with the other second years

"Auntie, what kind of headache did you leave me with." Miyuki sighs, crossing his arms, watching you interact with his teammates

"You know, I'm surprised you actually have a lot of friends." You comment as you and Miyuki walk around the school

"You always had an amazing talent of getting under people's skin so other kids didn't really like hanging out with you." You add as Miyuki chuckles, already used to you sounding so casual while saying insults that some would have to think twice to get it

"Thanks!" Miyuki grins at you, "You're not bad yourself (First name)."

"Yeah well, I did grow up with you."

You and Miyuki grin at each other before somebody calls him over

"Oi Miyuki, What's this news you have a girl around you?!" A guy with a beard who looks mean asks

"I also heard you were quite close." Someone with pink hair comments

"Who are they?" You ask him

"They're my seniors in the team," Miyuki answers as you nod

"They all look like they're good at intimidating your opponents." You nod

"Are you trying to say they look scary?"

"I never said anything about looking scary."

"Who looks scary?" The one with pink hair asks

"Are you talking about us?" Isashiki crosses his arms as you smile at him

"I never said anything about looking scary, senpai. I just told Miyuki that you all look like you're good at intimidating your opponents." You continue to smile

"I'm (Last name) (First name), Miyuki's cousin who just transferred here. Nice to meet you senpai." You bow at them

"Heh, so you're Miyuki's cousin so that's why you two seem similar," Ryousuke comments lightheartedly

"Him?" You point at Miyuki, "I don't think we're really anything similar, please don't compare me with this guy." You answer, sounding polite

"But you two have the same energy, you know."

"You must be really amazing senpai, since you can make assumptions about me like that despite only meeting me today."

'Why does it sound like being compared to me is the worst insult?' Miyuki asks himself

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